How to Use Reddit to Market Attorneys
November 01, 2020
It's safe to say that even if law firm marketers are familiar with Reddit, a very small percentage of lawyers are. But Reddit can be a valuable tool to market attorneys and law firms.
Transitioning to Remote, Electronic Signing for Transactions
November 01, 2020
The recent move to more remote work environments has prompted many to take a second look at not only e-Signature solutions but also remote online notarization. In order to support transactional practice groups and legal department in making the transition to electronic signing and closings, one must understand the challenges and opportunities of these technologies.
Drumming Up Business While Trumpeting Your News
October 01, 2020
An Integrated Strategy
Despite the current uncertainty, though, developing solid plans with accountability, results and measurement can be done. Preparing a comprehensive business development strategy — one that is integrated with public relations — is more critical than ever to avoid being considered pleasant but boring elevator music.
Communicating During the COVID-19 Crisis
October 01, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely changed how law firms operate from now on, and it has affected all areas, from client service and IT to business development and attorney recruiting and advancement. One area that has been especially hit hard is the communications function.
Redefining Law Firm Financial Management In an Era of Unprecedented Economic Uncertainty
October 01, 2020
The pandemic has forced law firms to reevaluate their expenses, refine their budgets, and review their overall operations to adapt to an environment of perpetual uncertainty. To understand their approach, options, and considerations, LSQ engaged Ari Kaplan Advisors to benchmark a range of metrics and perspectives from leaders at an array of organizations
Redefining Law Firm Financial Management In An Era of Unprecedented Economic Uncertainty
October 01, 2020
The pandemic has forced law firms to reevaluate their expenses, refine their budgets, and review their overall operations to adapt to an environment of perpetual uncertainty. To understand their approach, options, and considerations, LSQ engaged Ari Kaplan Advisors to benchmark a range of metrics and perspectives from leaders at an array of organizations.