Case Notes
August 02, 2015
Analysis of a case in which a California Court of Appeal affirmed the right of a shopping center owner to limit the First Amendment rights of citizens from being exercised near store entrances.
Programmer/Distributor Cable TV Bundle Deals In the Era of Digital Content Delivery Alternatives
August 02, 2015
As technological advancements force most of the entertainment industry to evolve or become extinct, the traditional cable TV bundle continues virtually intact. Yet, according to a 2014 Nielsen report, while the average U.S. television-watching home receives 189 channels, TV watchers consistently tune in to just 17. And a steady stream of customers has cut the cable cord altogether in favor of accessing content from alternative sources.
Superpowered Form of <i>Stare Decisis</i>
August 02, 2015
The U.S. Supreme Court, in <i>Kimble v. Marvel</i>, stood by its decision in <i>Brulotte</i>, reaffirming that post-expiration patent royalty provisions are unlawful per se and therefore unenforceable.
Wave of Privacy Suits Peters Out
July 02, 2015
Michael Rhodes, the charismatic chair of Cooley's privacy and data protection practice, took the stage at an awards dinner in late April with an extra bounce in his step ' and a blunt prediction for his colleagues in the plaintiffs privacy bar.
Big Talent Agencies as Defendants In Implied-in-Fact Contract Suits
July 02, 2015
An elite group of large talent agencies have earned reputations as gatekeepers to success in the film and television industries. Non-client writers and producers attempt to share in that success by becoming agency clients or by having their ideas, presentations and screenplays accepted by the agencies for their existing clients. The agencies' practice of "packaging" a combination of services for a single film or television project has enhanced their gatekeeping role.
High Court Rulings On Spider-Man Toy, Rap Lyrics
July 02, 2015
In one of two recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings in cases the entertainment industry has followed, the High Court decided that the inventor of a Spider-Man web-shooting device cannot extend his reach for royalties beyond the expiration of his patent.
Bit Parts
July 02, 2015
Home Renovation Service Fails to Establish Claims Against Reality TV Show Producers<br>Owner of Original Woodstock Site Loses Equal Protection Suit<br>TV Show Appearance Release Bars Doctor's Suit over <i>Mob Wives</i>
No Contract Breach In YouTube Removal Of Music Video
July 02, 2015
Lawyers for YouTube beat back a breach of contract suit over its removal of a reggae music video, by persuading a federal judge that YouTube's user agreement gives the company broad discretion to take down whatever material it sees fit.