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Costs of Cashless Transactions Raise Conflicts Between Franchises, Card Issuers, Banks
August 30, 2012
For merchants of all types, accepting credit card and debit card payments is almost a requirement of doing business in today's increasingly "cashless" economy. However, as the numbers of these transactions have increased, the costs that merchants must absorb on those payments have become a serious issue.
September issue in PDF format
August 30, 2012
Is Your 401(k) Up to the Task?
August 30, 2012
A good 401(k) can be a great ally as you prepare for retirement; a lousy plan, on the other hand, could erode your ability to build for a decent and secure retirement. Now is a very good time to make sure your 401(k) plan is up to the challenge.
Retiree Health Care Issues After the Affordable Care Act
August 30, 2012
Following implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the funding and providing of promised retiree health benefits has a new series of requirements that must be met by Taft-Hartley retirement plans, employers and plan sponsors.
More Firms Put Non-Lawyers at the Top
August 30, 2012
The point of this article is not to determine exactly who should run a law firm, but to explore some factors worth considering when contemplating the most effective and efficient form of law firm leadership.
Making Your Merger a Success
August 29, 2012
This article is a compendium of the author's 30 years' experience in law firm consulting and specifically law firm mergers.
The Indian Supreme Court's 2G Ruling
August 29, 2012
The importance of due diligence and anti-bribery compliance programs when companies conduct business in countries that historically present a greater risk of corruption.
August 08, 2012
Big companies, including law firms, sometimes go into bankruptcy. It happens a lot. But when it's a major law firm, like Dewey LeBoeuf, the reasons for its demise can give us some clues about the future of all law firms.
Website Accessibility Rules Are Still on Target
July 30, 2012
A recent federal court ruling, <i>National Association of the Deaf v. Netflix, Inc.</i>, held that California's state disability rights laws applied to a website, despite the absence of a bricks-and-mortar store nexus. Instead, the National Association for the Deaf (NAD) pursued the accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of a "website only" firm with no real-world presence ' Netflix.
August issue in PDF format
July 30, 2012