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<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> 9th Circuit 'Dancing Baby' Decision Will Stand Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> 9th Circuit 'Dancing Baby' Decision Will Stand

Scott Graham

The Supreme Court let stand a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision that said issuers of takedown notices aren't liable under the DMCA unless they actually knew that the material did not infringe their copyright, or were willfully blind to that knowledge.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Snap Accused of Infringing Patents With Snapchat Tech Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Snap Accused of Infringing Patents With Snapchat Tech

Tom McParland

A Texas company has accused Snap Inc. of infringing four patents with systems that allow Snapchat users to scan "Snapcodes" and add friends on the popular social networking app.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Law Firm Apps Designed to Impress Clients — and to Win Them Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Law Firm Apps Designed to Impress Clients — and to Win Them

Miriam Rozen

More firms are working to tailor their apps to the right audiences, and improving their use as client development tools in the process.


5 Legal Consequences of Diving 'All In' on Social Media Image

5 Legal Consequences of Diving 'All In' on Social Media

Benjamin Znaty & Marc Schuler

<b><i>Companies and Lawyers Should Begin to Learn the Laws of Individual Platforms Before Trying to Apply National and Local Legal Concepts</b></i><p>Since the possibilities offered by social networks and their reach on consumers are unquestionable, companies must remember that important legal consequences exist between an online presence on social media and on a proprietary website. We look at a few key consequences of going "all in" with social platforms below.


WannaCry Attack Is A Wake-Up Call for Cyber Preparedness Image

WannaCry Attack Is A Wake-Up Call for Cyber Preparedness

India E. Vincent

The scope of WannaCry changed our perceptions of ransomware attacks. It made it clear that ransomware could reach a broad cross-section of computers worldwide, at essentially the same time.


Netflix Dooming Need for Foreign Presales Deals Image

Netflix Dooming Need for Foreign Presales Deals

Todd Cunningham

Foreign rights presales, which since the 1970s have been used by independent Hollywood producers to raise funds to get their movies shot, are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Credit Netflix for giving them a big shove out the door. So what does that mean for Hollywood's deal lawyers? Bigger rights deals — but fewer of them to go around.


Searching for Web Crawling's Legal Boundaries Image

Searching for Web Crawling's Legal Boundaries

Joshua L. Simmons

Web pages are a treasure-trove of useful information for companies that are able to capture it using Web crawling (or scraping) technology. Yet, for over 20 years, courts have struggled to draw the line between the usefulness of such information and the rights of the content owners and website operators from which that content is derived. Once a niche issue, the increased use of this technology has compounded the disputes related to it.


"'Google' It" Is a Protected Trademark Image

"'Google' It" Is a Protected Trademark

Ross Todd

Consumers might use "Google" as a verb, but that doesn't mean Google's trademark for its search engine is generic.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Facebook Fine Could Slow Future EU Launches Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Facebook Fine Could Slow Future EU Launches

David Ruiz

Facebook Inc. received one of its biggest regulatory slaps late last month when European antitrust regulators fined it $122 million for providing misleading statements about its 2014 purchase of WhatsApp. The fine is relatively small compared to Facebook's annual profits, but it does signal a more aggressive regulatory environment in the region.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Protected Speech? DOJ Compliance Expert Tweets Anti-Trump Messages Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Protected Speech? DOJ Compliance Expert Tweets Anti-Trump Messages

Sue Reisinger

Hui Chen, the contracted compliance counsel at the Department of Justice, often talks about how the tone at the top is important to compliance officers. But Chen clearly is not happy with the tone at the top of the organization, because she has been openly posting anti-Trump messages on her Twitter account, @HuiChenEthics.

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