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Iglesias's Music Streaming Suit Confronts Big Industry Issue Image

Iglesias's Music Streaming Suit Confronts Big Industry Issue

Samantha Joseph

Music superstar Enrique Iglesias wasn't dancing around the point when he recently filed a lawsuit in Miami federal court against Universal International Music.


Marketing Tech: Finding a Few More Minutes for Marketing and Business Development Image

Marketing Tech: Finding a Few More Minutes for Marketing and Business Development

Ari Kaplan

Years ago, when trying to improve some of my snacking habits, I stopped buying cookies, candy and savory chips. Magically (and perhaps obviously), I quickly found that I ate less junk food. In effort to find a few more minutes a day for marketing, I recently applied this same basic, but effective, technique to my time management and the results have been just as immediate.


Marketing Tech: SEO: Will It Actually Work for Your Firm? Image

Marketing Tech: SEO: Will It Actually Work for Your Firm?

Spencer X. Smith

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to help drive traffic to your website, but is also a very misunderstood term. This article helps clarify what SEO really is, and if it will help with your business development activities.


Influencing the Influencers Image

Influencing the Influencers

Alan Friel & Stephanie Lucas

The importance of promoting brands and products on digital platforms has continued to grow as advertisers are learning how to use social media to reach out to specific populations by harnessing the power and goodwill of the people on these platforms that are popular with and influence particular niche groups of interest. These so-called “influencers” can have thousands, or even millions and tens of millions of followers. But when is the influencer an objective critic, and when is she a paid spokesperson?


Artificially Intelligent Blockchain of Things: Examining Legal Tech's Biggest Buzzwords Image

Artificially Intelligent Blockchain of Things: Examining Legal Tech's Biggest Buzzwords

Ian Lopez

<b><i>Panelists at ALM Cybersecure 2017 Delved Into the Year's Biggest Legal Technology Buzzwords and the Hype Fueling Their Popularity</i></b><p>Legal technology has no shortage of buzzwords. The latest slew to take the industry by storm were the topic conversation in a Dec. 5 panel at ALM's CyberSecure event in New York.


<i>Online Extra:</i><br>Social Media: Questions of Admissibility And Ethics Image

<i>Online Extra:</i><br>Social Media: Questions of Admissibility And Ethics

Khizar A. Sheikh, Lynne Strober & Jennifer Presti

Social media evidence can be acquired both informally — through an attorney's own investigation or from the client — or more formally through the use of discovery and the rules of discovery. While each gives rise to practical and ethical issues, this section will focus on informal methods of acquisition.


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<i>Zeran v. AOL</i> and Its Inconsistent Legacy

Ian C. Ballon

<i><b>How the Seminal Fourth Circuit's Ruling Is Applied in Different Circuits</b></i><p>The rule of <i>Zeran</i> has been uniformly applied by every federal circuit court to consider it and by numerous state courts. And it has never been rejected in any precedential opinion. Indeed, it is perhaps a fitting tribute to the viability of <i>Zeran</i> that 20 year later the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in its 12th opinion construing the CDA, barely spent even a sentence affirming dismissal of a defamation claim brought against Facebook over user content, pursuant to the CDA and the rule first developed in <i>Zeran</i>.


What Lies Beneath the Surface: The Dark Web Image

What Lies Beneath the Surface: The Dark Web

Elizabeth Vandesteeg & Jeffrey Goldberg

Nearly all of us access the World Wide Web on at least a daily basis. Yet for many of us, there is a fundamental lack of knowledge about the basic structure of the Internet and the way its different levels interact. This article provides a basic outline of the structure of the Web and some insight as to the purpose for and content housed on each level, as well as give some practical tips to avoid your company's data from ending up on the Dark Web.


When Terms of Use Put 'Reasonably Prudent User' on Notice Image

When Terms of Use Put 'Reasonably Prudent User' on Notice

Richard Raysman & Peter Brown

On Aug. 17, 2017, the Second Circuit issued its decision in <i>Meyer v. Uber Technologies, Inc.</i>. The appeals court vacated and remanded the trial court ruling by holding that the registration process for Uber Technologies, Inc.'s mobile application formed a legal contract, Less than a month later, the Southern District relied on the <i>Meyer</i> decision in granting the defendant's motion to compel arbitration based on the fact that the design and functionality of defendant's amended terms of use placed plaintiffs' on "reasonably conspicuous notice" of the mandatory arbitration and jury trial waiver provisions.


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Trump's Tweets Are 'Official Statements'

Cogan Schneier

President Donald Trump's tweets are official government statements, Justice Department lawyers told a federal judge last month.

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