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LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 2: Who Cares?

LAW FIRM MERGERS – Part 2: Who Cares?This is the second in our series on Law Firm Mergers and the importance of integrating the marketing leadership from both firms as early in the process as possible. Since clients and internal stakeholders will be the most impacted, how should a firm get more people to care?Well, what do people care about? While marketing in a merger situation is not conceptually unique, it is exponentially more complicated because now you must refine the message and re-identify the messengers across multiple fronts. These fronts encommpass the capabilities of the merging firms and the altogether new capabilities that the merged firm presents.With this premise set, our next column will focus on how you show – not tell – the marketplace that your intellectual and professional platform is indeed broader and deeper.

LAW FIRM MERGERS – Part 2: Who Cares?This is the second in our series on Law Firm Mergers and the importance of integrating the marketing leadership from both firms as early in the process as possible. Since clients and internal stakeholders will be the most impacted, how should a firm get more people to care?Well, what do people care about? While marketing in a merger situation is not conceptually unique, it is exponentially more complicated because now you must refine the message and re-identify the messengers across multiple fronts. These fronts encommpass the capabilities of the merging firms and the altogether new capabilities that the merged firm presents.With this premise set, our next column will focus on how you show – not tell – the marketplace that your intellectual and professional platform is indeed broader and deeper.

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