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Practical Tips for Securing Patent Rights for AI-Generated Inventions Image

Practical Tips for Securing Patent Rights for AI-Generated Inventions

Gunjan Agarwal 

While AI is rising as a key commercial player at the global scale with an expected market size of almost $400 billion by 2025, are patent laws around the world equipped to incentivize this revolution?


Legal Tech: Babst Calland & Solvaire: An AI Contract Review Use Case Image

Legal Tech: Babst Calland & Solvaire: An AI Contract Review Use Case

Christian A. Farmakis

In today's business climate, clients demand greater efficiency when it comes to contract review for many complex deals and transactions. We have found that the combination of deep legal expertise, coupled with embracing carefully researched and vetted technology, is the most effective means of delivering high quality and timely review in an increasingly competitive marketplace.


Can Artificial Intelligence Fix Security Issues? Image

Can Artificial Intelligence Fix Security Issues?

Nina Cunningham

There is great enthusiasm about what AI can do to promote better living conditions, evoking wisdom, providing business intelligence through deep analysis of behavior and habits, by signaling trends and anticipating demand. But there are other considerations as well. A critical one is cybersecurity.

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