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Key Tax and Financial Considerations for New Law Partners Image

Key Tax and Financial Considerations for New Law Partners

John Fitzgerald & Christopher Imperiale

Being asked to join the partnership of a firm is a measure of success as a legal professional. With that achievement comes tax and financial responsibilities that, surprisingly, few attorneys are fully prepared to deal with. These responsibilities include the unexpected individual federal and state and local tax filing and payments.


Three Simple Steps of Marketing Mentoring Image

Three Simple Steps of Marketing Mentoring

Aly Lynch

As experienced marketers, we can help coach newer attorneys in their marketing pursuits through mentoring. With the right assistance, newer attorneys can find ways to market that they actually enjoy and are, therefore, more likely to do. And it doesn't need to be complicated.


As You Are Taking Care of Business, Are you Taking Care of You? Image

As You Are Taking Care of Business, Are you Taking Care of You?

Kimberly Rice & Damien Smith

The daily demands and vast portfolio responsibilities of a legal marketer are weighty and, in too many instances, never ending. The highly charged, rigorous, deadline-driven culture of “more is more” stands in drastic contrast to a well-balanced body-mind-spirit experience.


Law Firm Leadership: What is Legal Design Thinking? Image

Law Firm Leadership: What is Legal Design Thinking?

Mark Beese

While Design Thinking — a creative process for innovation — has become a staple topic in MBA programs and tech companies, it is just now showing up in law practice management circles.


Professional Development: Overcoming Business Networking Anxiety: It Just Takes Practice Image

Professional Development: Overcoming Business Networking Anxiety: It Just Takes Practice

Dr. Sharon Meit Abrahams

Coffees, breakfasts, luncheons, dinners and receptions are all part of doing business; they are also essential to attracting business. These situations, however, can be uncomfortable. But there are ways to overcome the discomfort. The following are a few tips that will help you feel prepared and confident in networking situations.


Marketing Tech: Fail Frequently This Fall to Succeed Image

Marketing Tech: Fail Frequently This Fall to Succeed

Ari Kaplan

Engage in initiatives that will allow you to fail and succeed simultaneously.

Columns & Departments

On the Move Image

On the Move


Attorney and law firm moves in bankruptcy law.


You're Fired! Image

You're Fired!

Brenda L. Thompson

<i><b>Dealing With a Job Loss</b></i><p>The chances are that many of us will either be terminated or laid off from at some point in our careers. It happens. How you deal with the loss of a job and get back on your feet as quickly as possible is what's important.


Creating a Collaborative Work Environment Image

Creating a Collaborative Work Environment

Silvia Coulter

Collaborative cultures soar in profitability, talent acquisition and retention, client retention and client service.


'Professional Development:' Those Were the Days: Lessons from Silicon Valley's Marketing Culture Image

'Professional Development:' Those Were the Days: Lessons from Silicon Valley's Marketing Culture

David McCann

There were elements of the corporate culture in the early Dot-com years that helped shape my perspective on the critical role marketing could (and should) play in driving tangible and bottom-line business results. Those shaping influences, when applied to law firms, can help us legal marketers realize even greater returns for our internal and external clients.

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