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Technology That Filters Movie Content Infringes Studios' Copyrights Image

Technology That Filters Movie Content Infringes Studios' Copyrights

Todd Cunningham

"Star Wars is still Star Wars, even without Princess Leia's bikini scene," said federal Circuit Judge Andrew D. Hurwitz in denying an appeal by the movie-filtering service VidAngel to lift an injunction that has kept its technology off the market since December 2016.


Copyright Royalty Board Gets E-Filing System Image

Copyright Royalty Board Gets E-Filing System

Rhys Dipshan

The Library of Congress' Copyright Royalty Board, the panel of three judges who set copyright royalty rates and settle related disputes, announced the launch of an electronic filing and case management system in an effort to streamline its manual and cumbersome case management processes.


The Uses of Prior Conduct in Copyright Cases Image

The Uses of Prior Conduct in Copyright Cases

Nicholas J. Boyle & Richard A. Olderman

<b><i>The Lessons of History</b></i><p>In the context of a copyright case, a defendant's prior bad acts and prior conduct are more useful to a plaintiff than is typical in civil litigation.


The Impact of <i>TC Heartland</i> on Copyright Venue Image

The Impact of <i>TC Heartland</i> on Copyright Venue

J. Alexander Lawrence

The Supreme Court sparked a seismic shift in patent litigation recently when it upset the long-standing interpretation of 28 U.S.C. §1400(b), the special patent venue statute. TC Heartland held that for the purposes of patent venue, the meaning of "resides" in Section 1400(b) is not supplemented by the broad definition of "resides" in the general venue provision, 28 U.S.C. §1391.


Twists and Turns of Copyright Litigation Over <i>Jersey Boys</i> Musical Reach Latest Stage Image

Twists and Turns of Copyright Litigation Over <i>Jersey Boys</i> Musical Reach Latest Stage

Vincent Peppe

Since 2007, the development of the musical has been the source of protracted litigation that reached its latest stage in June 2017.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> 9th Circuit 'Dancing Baby' Decision Will Stand Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> 9th Circuit 'Dancing Baby' Decision Will Stand

Scott Graham

The Supreme Court let stand a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit decision that said issuers of takedown notices aren't liable under the DMCA unless they actually knew that the material did not infringe their copyright, or were willfully blind to that knowledge.

Columns & Departments

Supreme Court News Image

Supreme Court News

ljnstaff & Law Journal Newsletters

'Disparaging' Trademarks Decision<br>High Court Declines Takedown Notice/Fair Use Case

Columns & Departments

Bit Parts Image

Bit Parts

Stan Soocher

Mash-Up of Dr. Seuss/Star Trek Components Is a Fair Use


Drake Wins on Sampling Fair Use; Plaintiffs' Song Ownership Muddy Image

Drake Wins on Sampling Fair Use; Plaintiffs' Song Ownership Muddy

Vincent Peppe

While copyright registration normally constitutes prima facie evidence of copyright ownership, the court noted that the estate had registered the song copyright 31 years after it was originally published and only in response to the defendants' sampling of the song on Drake's album.


Supreme Court Won't Take 'Who's on First' Copyright Case Image

Supreme Court Won't Take 'Who's on First' Copyright Case

P.J. D'Annunzio & Stan Soocher

First the copyright infringement case over the use of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on First" routine in a Broadway play was dismissed by a New York federal judge. Then it rounded the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, but was tagged out again. Now, in its third at bat, the lawsuit struck out with the U.S. Supreme Court declining to review the case.

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