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Artist Challenges Copyright Office Refusal to Register AI-Assisted Work Image

Artist Challenges Copyright Office Refusal to Register AI-Assisted Work

Emily Bullis

While the Copyright Office has previously cited the "bedrock requirement of copyright" that that a work must have a human author to be eligible for copyright protection to reject registrations, recent decisions have focused on the role of human authorship in the context of AI.


Knockoffs: Are They Always Infringing? Image

Knockoffs: Are They Always Infringing?

Steven D. Lustig

When something is referred to as a "knockoff" it typically implies that the knockoff product is similar in appearance to an earlier product and is unlawful. But that is not always the case. Indeed, there can be infringing knockoffs and noninfringing knockoffs. It depends on the facts and circumstances. To appreciate the difference, a look into the general rules and some specific cases is needed.


Fifth Circuit Remands Recording Labels' Copyright Suit Against ISP Image

Fifth Circuit Remands Recording Labels' Copyright Suit Against ISP

Adolfo Pesquera

A federal appeals court departed from five sister circuits determining damages in a copyright infringement case, taking a position the Copyright Alliance called "a cruel joke."


Legislative Protections Against AI Voice Scams Image

Legislative Protections Against AI Voice Scams

Jeffrey N. Rosenthal, Timothy J. Miller & Liam Leahy

A wide range of tools have been developed to perform vocal cloning, leading to vocal deepfakes becoming a common source of scams and misinformation. And these issues have only been exacerbated by a lack of appropriate laws and regulations to rein in the use of AI and protect an individual's right to their voice.


Landscape for Legislative Protections Against AI Uses of Voice Image

Landscape for Legislative Protections Against AI Uses of Voice

Jeffrey N. Rosenthal, Timothy J. Miller & Liam Leahy

The adoption of the DMCA-style notice-and-takedown system is promising. But vocal artists will likely need greater protections on the improper or unauthorized use of their voice, and stronger regulations requiring the disclosure of any use of AI in advertising, promotions or other digital or audio content placed on the Internet.


Copyright Suit Over Miley Cyrus' Hit 'Flowers' Tests Copyright Defenses for "Response" Songs Image

Copyright Suit Over Miley Cyrus' Hit 'Flowers' Tests Copyright Defenses for "Response" Songs

Michelle Morgante

The suit raises the issue of whether "response" songs can have legal protection from copyright owners of the song that generated the response composition.


Hold On, I'm Suing: Artists' Copyright Claims over the Trump Campaign's Use of Their Music and What Some Courts Have Ruled In Similar Instances Image

Hold On, I'm Suing: Artists' Copyright Claims over the Trump Campaign's Use of Their Music and What Some Courts Have Ruled In Similar Instances

Stan Soocher

Artists protesting the use of their music in political campaign settings and threatening to sue has been in the news a lot this election season. This article provides a refresher on the smattering of notable decisions as well as a look at the latest in the lawsuit by the estate of Isaac Hayes over the Trump campaign's use of the classic soul song "Hold On, I'm Coming."


LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3 Image

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3

LJN Staff & Contributors

The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.


Hold On, I'm Suing: Artists' Protests over the Trump Campaign's Use of Their Music and What Some Courts Have Ruled in Similar Instances Image

Hold On, I'm Suing: Artists' Protests over the Trump Campaign's Use of Their Music and What Some Courts Have Ruled in Similar Instances

Stan Soocher

When artists take action over political-campaign settings, it's usually in the form of a cease-and-desist letter sent to a candidate's representatives. In some instances, artists file lawsuits, but to date there's been just a smattering of notable court decisions. This article provides a refresher on these rulings as well as a look at the recent lawsuit by the estate of Isaac Hayes over the Trump campaign's use of the classic soul song "Hold On, I'm Coming."


Eighth Circuit Expands Its Copyright Law Jurisprudence Image

Eighth Circuit Expands Its Copyright Law Jurisprudence

Holley Horrell

The Eighth Circuit expanded its jurisprudence on copyright law twice in recent months. Addressing questions ranging from copyrightability to fair use, and arising from separate disputes involving a car dealership's customer intake form and a popular meme, these two opinions round out a body of just seven decisions on copyright law released by this appellate court in the past five years.

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