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When Is A Pretext By A Municipality A Bar To Land Use Approvals? Image

When Is A Pretext By A Municipality A Bar To Land Use Approvals?

Steven M. Silverberg

Recently, there have been several instances in which municipalities have been challenged by property owners claiming that the municipal boards have utilized delaying tactics and other actions as a pretext to prevent development of their properties.


Guarantor Liability for Post-Window-Period Rent Image

Guarantor Liability for Post-Window-Period Rent

Cheryl Ginsburg

In a case of first impression, the Appellate Division, First Department recently addressed a split in the decisions of the lower courts as to the scope of the New York City Guaranty Law.

The Stranger to the Deed Rule Image

The Stranger to the Deed Rule

Stewart E. Sterk

In 1987, a unanimous Court of Appeals reaffirmed the vitality of the "stranger to the deed" rule, which holds that if a grantor executes a deed to a grantee purporting to create an easement in a third party, the easement is invalid. Daniello v. Wagner, decided by the Second Department on November 29th, makes it clear that not all grantors (or their lawyers) have received the Court of Appeals' message, suggesting that the rule needs re-examination.


RLUIPA Claim Is Ripe for Judicial Review When Zoning Board Failed to Hear Appeal Image

RLUIPA Claim Is Ripe for Judicial Review When Zoning Board Failed to Hear Appeal

Steven M. Silverberg

In a reversal of the District Court, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals found that the failure of a local Zoning Board of Appeals to hold a hearing on an appeal from the determination of the building inspector, constituted a final determination that was ripe for judicial review.


When Is A Real Estate Instrument Filing Fee An Unauthorized Tax? Image

When Is A Real Estate Instrument Filing Fee An Unauthorized Tax?

Cameron Macdonald

Litigation pending in the Suffolk County Supreme Court is challenging fees charged for tax map verifications on real estate instruments filed with the county clerk as unauthorized taxes.


Local Law 18: A Change to Short-Term Rentals In New York City Image

Local Law 18: A Change to Short-Term Rentals In New York City

Matthew A. Ulmann

On Sept. 5, 2023, the New York City Short-Term Rental Registration Law (Local Law 18) took effect which directly impacts the ability of an individual unit owner to rent his or her apartment on a short-term basis.


What Is Property for Due Process Purposes? Image

What Is Property for Due Process Purposes?

Stewart E. Sterk

Although the federal constitution protects against deprivation of property without due process, the Second Circuit and federal district courts have erected significant barriers to dues process claims by landowners who challenge municipal permit denials or revocations.


The Consequences of Imperfect Foreclosure Affirmations Image

The Consequences of Imperfect Foreclosure Affirmations

Stewart E. Sterk

Where the borrower's default is not in dispute, the First Department appears to have recognized that there is little reason to delay the inevitable foreclosure. Discussion of a case in point.


Adult Use Zoning in New York Image

Adult Use Zoning in New York

Stewart E. Sterk

New York City's 2001 ordinance regulating adult uses has been the subject of litigation for more than 15 years. In September, the Court of Appeals put an apparent end to the litigation by denying reargument of its June decision upholding the ordinance.


Airbnb and Rent Stabilization: A Survey Image

Airbnb and Rent Stabilization: A Survey

Jeffrey Turkel

Over the past several years, rent-stabilized tenants have turned to Airbnb and similar services to monetize their below-market leases and earn extra income. Landlords seeking to evict such tenants for profiteering have been largely successful. This article examines the state of "Airbnb" jurisprudence to date.

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