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NYRE Staff

Building Administrator Had No Authority to Make Site Plan Determinations


Open Space Accessibility and the Conundrum of High Stakes Zoning Disputes Image

Open Space Accessibility and the Conundrum of High Stakes Zoning Disputes

By Philip E. Karmel, James P. Colgate & Judith M. Gallent

The New York Court of Appeals' recent decision in Peyton v. BSA held, in the context of a zoning lot containing several residential buildings, that the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York does not require an area to be accessible to all residents of the zoning lot for the area to qualify as "open space."


Floor Area Bonuses Allowed for Mixed-Used Properties Under the Philadelphia Zoning Code Image

Floor Area Bonuses Allowed for Mixed-Used Properties Under the Philadelphia Zoning Code

Alan Nochumson & Clementa Amazan

Part Two In a Series In this part of the series on "zoning" bonuses in the city of Philadelphia, we explore Floor Area Bonuses provided under the Mixed Incoming Housing, Green Building, and Underground Accessory Parking & Loading Bonuses.


The Comprehensive Plan Requirement Image

The Comprehensive Plan Requirement

Stewart E. Sterk

Does a local law requiring site plan review satisfy the statutory requirement when a town (or village) has enacted neither a formal comprehensive plan for a zoning ordinance?


'Graffiti' Artists Prevail Under VARA Over Property Owner Image

'Graffiti' Artists Prevail Under VARA Over Property Owner

Matthew V. Wilson & Tucker Barr

The culturally conscious property owner may be interested in commissioning an artist to beautify the outdoor wall of the owner's warehouse space. However, it's important to understand the legal effect of commissioning such work and the scope of rights that the property owner acquires and surrenders as a result.


Court of Appeals Reaffirms that Deference Is Alive and Well When It Comes to Substantive Requirements of SEQRA EISs Image

Court of Appeals Reaffirms that Deference Is Alive and Well When It Comes to Substantive Requirements of SEQRA EISs

Steven C. Russo & Evan Preminger

The New York Court of Appeals has long established that an agency's assessment of environmental impacts pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, or SEQRA, is entitled to substantial deference, admonishing lower courts that it is not their role to substitute their judgment for the judgment of agencies undertaking the action. Sometimes, however, lower courts give lip service to the deferential standard of review but fail to apply it.


Clarity for New York Takings Law Image

Clarity for New York Takings Law

Jon Houghton

Determining whether or not a government regulation constitutes a “taking” for the purposes of the Fifth Amendment can be a complex endeavor. The recent Second Department decision of <i>Matter of New Creek Bluebelt, Phase 3 (Baycrest Manor Inc.)</i>, provides some guidance on three important regulatory takings issues.

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Analysis of a case in which a moratorium was invalidated.

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Real Property Law Image

Real Property Law


Analysis of key rulings involving adverse possession, "stranger to the deed," and a claim against a homeowners association.

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Discussion of a case in which a restaurant owner planned to demolish the existing building on a leased parcel to build a 5400-square-foot restaurant

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