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Law Firm Management


Biden's Economic Road Map Includes Benefits for Government Contractors Image

Biden's Economic Road Map Includes Benefits for Government Contractors

Lawrence L. Bell

The Biden Administration and the Democratic controlled Congress is rolling out a robust spending plan that will provide benefits and burdens for the defense and government contract community. This article provides a road map that will assist in providing permissibly selective benefits for the qualifying government contractors and employees.


Five Things Law Firm Leaders Need to Do As People Return to the Office Image

Five Things Law Firm Leaders Need to Do As People Return to the Office

Mark Beese

Slowly, ever so slowly, lawyers and staff are making their way back to the office. While we all look forward to returning to normal, the normal we left…


Online Extra: Talent Crunch Triggering Alarm Bells for Law Firms Image

Online Extra: Talent Crunch Triggering Alarm Bells for Law Firms

Andrew Maloney

The talent crunch has triggered alarm bells about law firms' long-term viability, as epic workloads and existential upheaval continue to rain on a generation that's less interested in the traditional benefits of Big Law life.


COVID-19: Economic Stimulus and SBA Loans Image

COVID-19: Economic Stimulus and SBA Loans

Jacob Weichholz, Daniel Mayo & Chris DeMayo

A summary of information on the various provisions under the new federal economic stimulus package.


Leading Through Disruption Image

Leading Through Disruption

Julia Mercier

Some tried and true leadership practices for firms and partners who are focused on retaining and developing top talent in the current context.


Registered Nurses In a Top Hat Plan Image

Registered Nurses In a Top Hat Plan

Lawrence L. Bell

As the healthcare industry is emerging from the pandemic they are looking for ways to reward, retain and recruit a very important segment of its people — Registered Nurses. Employers are looking for ways to provide benefits in an economically efficient fashion that does not create an immediate and punitive tax on the participant.


Obstacles to Overcome So Attorneys Can Train Others Image

Obstacles to Overcome So Attorneys Can Train Others

Sharon Meit Abrahams

This article delves into what firms can do to support their attorneys who lead training initiatives such as on-boarding new associates, delivering substantive knowledge, designing skill development training or any other aspect of professional development in the legal field.


Managing Outreach Is the Most Important Task for Practice Group Leaders Image

Managing Outreach Is the Most Important Task for Practice Group Leaders

Eric Dewey

No other job of a practice group leader does more to solve the many challenges of running a practice group than does a steady flow of new work from new clients.


The Most Important Task Practice Group Leaders Fail to Manage Image

The Most Important Task Practice Group Leaders Fail to Manage

Eric Dewey

There is one task that practice group leaders prioritize above all others: the management of the group's outreach. No other job of a practice group leader does more to solve the many challenges of running a practice group than does a steady flow of new work from new clients.


How Many Is Too Many? Billable Hours Can Reach Diminishing Returns Image

How Many Is Too Many? Billable Hours Can Reach Diminishing Returns

Dylan Jackson

By now, it is well known that this year has been defined, at least in part, by the furious pace at which lawyers have been working. At what point do high billable hours mean diminishing returns for both the lawyer and the firm?

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