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Law Firm Management


Davis Wright Forms Entertainment Industry Reopening Advisory Group Image

Davis Wright Forms Entertainment Industry Reopening Advisory Group

Dylan Jackson

As millions of Americans turned to television and movies for diversion and comfort amid the coronavirus pandemic and resulting business shutdowns, the companies that create that content were left scratching their heads about how to resume business safely when they are allowed. Davis Wright Tremaine launched a new group in hopes of providing the answers.


Jump-Starting Business Development After Living in a Socially Distant World Image

Jump-Starting Business Development After Living in a Socially Distant World

Deborah C. Scaringi

How do we go back to conducting productive business without seeming callous to the harsh realities many people are experiencing?


Demand for Contract Lawyers Is Rising from COVID-19 Business Disruptions Image

Demand for Contract Lawyers Is Rising from COVID-19 Business Disruptions

MP McQueen

Recruiters say the demand for contract attorneys in corporate and government legal departments and law firms is rising as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic creates more of certain types of legal work.


Small Law, Big Changes: The Coming Disruption in the Legal Industry Image

Small Law, Big Changes: The Coming Disruption in the Legal Industry

Rinky S. Parwani & Greg Garman

The billable hour is still profitable from a transactional perspective, but from a strategic perspective, in today's economy, that profitability has begun to erode. That's because our economy has fundamentally transformed into a service economy that is based on leverage and scale.


COVID-19 Downturn Likely Won't Impact Health of Law Firm Billable Hour Image

COVID-19 Downturn Likely Won't Impact Health of Law Firm Billable Hour

Frank Ready

Not even the economic downturn imposed by the COVID-19 virus may be able to take credit for eliminating the billable hour. While attorneys could be relying more on legal tech to help defray costs, transitioning to a new pricing infrastructure in the midst of so much uncertainty could prove to be a bridge too far.


2019 Was a Record Year for the Am Law 100 But What Will 2020 Hold? Image

2019 Was a Record Year for the Am Law 100 But What Will 2020 Hold?

David Thomas

After a 5% increase in gross revenue and 3% growth in revenue per lawyer, the Am Law 100 were in a good place at the start of 2020. Then a global pandemic started. Now what?


Adopting COVID-19 Cuts, Law Firms Balance Image and Economics Image

Adopting COVID-19 Cuts, Law Firms Balance Image and Economics

Patrick Smith

Firms Are Applying Communications Lessons from the Great Recession As They Deliver Bad News During the Coronavirus Pandemic. Many firms have appeared in recent weeks to be signaling compassion, embracing (relative) transparency and sharing sacrifices across lawyers and staff. That can help make even painful cuts less harmful for a firm's internal morale and outside reputation.


Pension Plans Changes: Will Retiring Partners Shoulder the Risk? Image

Pension Plans Changes: Will Retiring Partners Shoulder the Risk?

Dylan Jackson

For some firms in the Great Recession, reduced revenues combined with the overwhelming pressure from multimillion-dollar pension liabilities — a holdover from the days when pensions were simply a promise firms made to retiring partners — were too much to bear. But with the Great Recession now a decade in the past and another recession brewing, has the industry learned from its mistakes?


How a Law Firm's Comp System Affects Profitability and Partner Satisfaction Image

How a Law Firm's Comp System Affects Profitability and Partner Satisfaction

Hugh A. Simons

Compensation systems are typically a strategic afterthought, seen as the means by which to allocate the spoils of a successful strategy. They're viewed as affecting the level of grousing among partners, but not a firm's performance. The data, however, indicates the reverse is true.


COVID-19: As Coronavirus Ravages the Economy, Bankruptcy Attorneys Prepare for the Flood Image

COVID-19: As Coronavirus Ravages the Economy, Bankruptcy Attorneys Prepare for the Flood

Samantha Stokes

Law firms have always counted on bankruptcy as a countercyclical practice in hard times. Now, those that prepared when the economy was booming may be about to get their reward.

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