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Law Firm Management


The Importance of Social Skills: Technology and Data Are Not Enough to Grow Your Firm's Business Image

The Importance of Social Skills: Technology and Data Are Not Enough to Grow Your Firm's Business

Jamie B. Field

Data is taking over our lives. And preceding that is all of the applications and technology that exists that helps us measure that information. But technology and data are not going to be the only growth drivers of a firm in the future. What's going to become most important in the face of the technological changes that are occurring in law firms is a lawyer's "soft-skills."


The Time to Improve Administrative Performance Is Now Image

The Time to Improve Administrative Performance Is Now

J. Mark Santiago

This article focuses on what a firm can do now that will improve future firm economics regardless of what the future may hold, identifying three areas that offer the great opportunity for improving a law firms' economics and better positioning them for whatever the future may bring.


Litigation Expense Deductibility: New Appellate Court Decision Image

Litigation Expense Deductibility: New Appellate Court Decision

Daniel Mayo

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently issued a decision that explains some of the requirements for deducting litigation expenses. The facts of the case are bizarre, but the controlling legal principles are not.


Voice of the Client: Hearing the Client Through the Noise Image

Voice of the Client: Hearing the Client Through the Noise

Jennifer Simpson Carr & Amy Knapp

At the end of the day, a lot of noise is created in the effort to hear the voice of the client. We propose that while these efficiencies and innovations in law are valuable, the clients keep asking for something different: a lawyer who deeply understands their business and their specific issue — at the time they need it.


Best Ways To Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyer and Firm Perspectives Image

Best Ways To Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyer and Firm Perspectives

Julie Savarino

<b><i>Part Two of a Two-Part Article</b></i>


Law Firm Revenue Rose as Demand Dropped in the First Quarter of 2019 Image

Law Firm Revenue Rose as Demand Dropped in the First Quarter of 2019

David Altuna & Gretta Rusanow

The legal industry saw greater revenue growth during the first quarter of 2019 than it did to start the strong year of 2018. However, the drivers of that growth were much different, as the demand growth that characterized 2018 gave way to a demand decline during the first quarter of 2019, and much of the revenue growth came in the form of cash collections from 2018 inventory.


Law Firm Mergers and the Economic Outlook for 2019 Image

Law Firm Mergers and the Economic Outlook for 2019

Marcus Dyer

As law firms endeavor to survive in an increasingly competitive world, one strategy picking up steam is the law firm merger. In this article, we recap law firm merger activity in 2018 and consider the economic outlook for law firm mergers for 2019.


IRS Issues New Plan 457(f) Non-Profit Exam Guidelines Image

IRS Issues New Plan 457(f) Non-Profit Exam Guidelines

Lawrence L. Bell

Planning for executive benefits for top hat employees at non-profit organizations has undergone a frenzy of regulatory roadmap changes. Nonprofit NonQualified Benefits are largely directed and controlled by IRC §457.


Orion Prebill Survey Shows Law Firms Are Troubled by Inefficient, Paper-Heavy Prebilling Processes Image

Orion Prebill Survey Shows Law Firms Are Troubled by Inefficient, Paper-Heavy Prebilling Processes

Kevin Harris

Prebilling, the process of generating invoice drafts and circulating them for annotation/adjustment, is one of the most important monthly tasks a law firm conducts. Since prebilling involves bringing money into the firm, the more efficient the process becomes, the better off the law firm is financially.


Best Ways to Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyers' and Firms' Perspectives Image

Best Ways to Expand Key Client Relationships from the Lawyers' and Firms' Perspectives

Julie Savarino

Part One of a Two-Part Article This article defines the specific and best actions lawyers and law firms can take to expand client relationships. This first part includes specific actions individual lawyers can take to expand client relationships.

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