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Law Firm Management


Lower Pay for Women Partners Image

Lower Pay for Women Partners

Lizzy McLellan & Katelyn Polantz

In the face of a glaring pay gap between male and female law firm partners, some firm leaders point to the emphasis on origination credit (bringing in new business) as the key culprit. But moving away from such a model may not be so easy.


Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations Image

Partner and Millennial Associates' Performance Expectations

Linda L. Hardenstein, MPA, PCC

“They don't want to work!” It's an all-too-familiar refrain uttered about associates of the millennial generation. As more and more millennials enter the workforce these generational clashes will continue. What can be done to bridge the gap and why should you care?


As Rates Soar, Some Firms Profit by Coming Down to Earth Image

As Rates Soar, Some Firms Profit by Coming Down to Earth

Nell Gluckman

With overall law firm billing rates rising fast, firms that increased their rates more slowly are reaping rewards in the form of greater revenue growth, according to a new study.


How to Be a Great Mentor to Associate Attorneys Image

How to Be a Great Mentor to Associate Attorneys

Rebecca Glatzer

Mentorship is a key element of associate engagement and retention. While most law firms have formal and informal mentoring programs, not all firms give explicit instructions on how to be a good mentor to junior attorneys. Here are some tips that can prepare you to be a great mentor to the associates at your firm.


Restrictive Covenants and Whistleblowing Image

Restrictive Covenants and Whistleblowing

Joshua Sohn & Shauneida Navarrete

<b><i>Warning from the SEC</b></i><p>In two recent orders, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) signaled that it is paying particular attention to attempts by companies to prevent former employees from whistleblowing through restrictive covenants contained in severance agreements.


Privacy and Security of Personal Information Collected by Benefit Plans Image

Privacy and Security of Personal Information Collected by Benefit Plans

Marc Bussone

High profile cyberattacks and data breaches have become routine occurrences. Cyber threats are so pervasive that many privacy and security experts advise that responsible parties ' like fiduciaries of employee benefit plans ' should prepare for <i>when</i> a data breach occurs, not </i>if</i>. Plan sponsors and fiduciaries should be aware of, and address, security and privacy issues in connection with personal information.


Outsourcing Is No Longer a Four Letter Word Image

Outsourcing Is No Longer a Four Letter Word

Rob Mattern

With 70% of law firms outsourcing a portion of their back office and 45% considering outsourcing some middle office functions, it is clear that outsourcing is on the rise in law firms. This is because, when executed correctly, it can be an excellent management tool to increase service levels, broaden talent and manage costs.


Retiring Boomers Pose Big Challenges For Firms Image

Retiring Boomers Pose Big Challenges For Firms

Julie Triedman

On June 30, securities litigator James Benedict, 66, walked out of his office at Milbank, Tweed, Hadley &amp; McCloy for the last time as a partner and caught a plane to Vail, Colorado, to begin the next chapter of his life.


Cybersecurity Comes Together in Legal and Finance Image

Cybersecurity Comes Together in Legal and Finance

Ricci Dipshan

Since the dawn of the new millennium, technology has been expanding the reach and ability of criminals at breakneck speeds. Regulators have constantly found themselves running behind a new era of cyberthreats and dangers, struggling to respond to accidents while fortifying the road ahead.


Four Ways Big Data Can Help Win Your Next Case Image

Four Ways Big Data Can Help Win Your Next Case

Lauren Bakewell

Analyzing data and providing the right kind of data is critically important to every aspect of legal activities. When you're expecting data to act as a secret weapon in the sales process, the courtroom, or to provide a strong foundation for your firm, the quality of your information is priceless. To uphold your firm's integrity and ensure its success, it's time to get your staffers off Google and arm them with data intelligence.

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