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Unlocking Your Lawyers' Rainmaking Potential Image

Unlocking Your Lawyers' Rainmaking Potential

Yuliya LaRoe

With law firms continuing to face heightened market and industry pressures, business development is essential for both law firm growth and individual lawyer success. However, coaching lawyers to become effective rainmakers presents unique challenges.


Are We Seeing the End of the Single-Tier Partnership Structure? Image

Are We Seeing the End of the Single-Tier Partnership Structure?

Patrick Smith

With a growing number of firms moving to a two-tier partnership structure, the question becomes what comes next for the dwindling number of major firms that don't have a nonequity tier. At what point do tradition and culture yield to change and progression?


LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3 Image

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q3

LJN Staff & Contributors

The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.


5 Ways Small and Midsize Law Firms Can Improve Realization Rates Image

5 Ways Small and Midsize Law Firms Can Improve Realization Rates

Mike Mellor

Smaller law firms can significantly increase their chances of competing with large "Goliaths" by bringing an industry focus, maximizing their digital footprint, building processes and systems around the pitch/proposal process, looking backwards for strengths, and engaging in social media.


Identifying and Articulating Your Differentiator Image

Identifying and Articulating Your Differentiator

Bethany Chieffallo

How to Convey Your Merits In a Way That Earns Trust, Clients and Distinctions While humility is incredibly important in business and law, it is equally important to identify and articulate what you do well — really well — in your practice. Those who can ascertain, embrace and communicate their differentiator(s) will be well-positioned for steady practice and client growth.


IRS Seeks to Regulate Partnership Basis Adjustments Image

IRS Seeks to Regulate Partnership Basis Adjustments

Ezra Dyckman & Charles S. Nelson

The proposed regulations would disallow basis adjustments in many non-abusive scenarios where those basis adjustments are necessary to achieve tax results that correspond to economic reality.


The Double-Edged Sword of Discounting Corporate Legal Fees: Weighing Profitability Against Client Retention Image

The Double-Edged Sword of Discounting Corporate Legal Fees: Weighing Profitability Against Client Retention

Eric Dewey

This article delves into the multifaceted implications of discounting corporate legal fees, exploring both the potential benefits and the risks associated with this strategy.


Ethical Obligations and Risks of Engaging a Temporary Attorney Image

Ethical Obligations and Risks of Engaging a Temporary Attorney

Diana C. Manning, Benjamin J. DiLorenzo & Kyle A. Valente

It is not uncommon for practitioners and law firms to employ the services of temporary (or contract) attorneys as the need may arise in contemporary practice. This article discusses the ethical obligations and associated risks that flow from engaging the services of a temporary attorney.


LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2 Image

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2

Steve Salkin

The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.


Leveraging Law Firm KPIs for Business Success Image

Leveraging Law Firm KPIs for Business Success

Peter Oliva

Utilizing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a law firm is crucial for evaluating performance, profitability, client satisfaction, and overall success. Understanding which attorneys are the most profitable, which matters are the most lucrative, and the cost of acquiring new clients is crucial for making informed business decisions.

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