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J&J's Bankruptcy Vote Has Some Claimants' Lawyers Calling for a Recount Image

J&J's Bankruptcy Vote Has Some Claimants' Lawyers Calling for a Recount

Amanda Bronstad

The presidential vote is just a few days away, but the ballots in Johnson & Johnson's talc bankruptcy have lawyers already asking for a recount. At an Oct. 21 hearing, lawyers for thousands of talcum powder claimants clamored to crack open the confidential vote tabulation behind J&J's $9 billion prepackaged bankruptcy plan.

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Eminent Domain Law Image

Eminent Domain Law

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Public Purpose Challenge to Condemnation Rejected

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IP News Image

IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Ryan J. Sheehan

Federal Circuit: Falsely Claiming That a Product Feature is Patented Can Give Rise to a False Advertising Claim Under the Lanham Act Federal Circuit: A Prior Decision in an IPR Does Not Collaterally Estop the Patentee in a Subsequent Litigation Where Invalidity Must be Proven by 'Clear and Convincing Evidence'

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Landlord & Tenant Law Image

Landlord & Tenant Law

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Charges for Keys Constituted Reduction In Service


Delaware Faces Challengers But Maintains Lead In Bankruptcy Filings Image

Delaware Faces Challengers But Maintains Lead In Bankruptcy Filings

Ellen Bardash

Large corporations filing for bankruptcy continue to turn to Delaware more than any other venue nationwide, according to a new report from Cornerstone Research. While Delaware has long tallied more large corporate bankruptcies than any other jurisdiction, the gap between it and the next most popular venue, the Southern District of Texas, has widened in 2024.

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Landlord & Tenant Law Image

Landlord & Tenant Law

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Holdover Tenant Liable for Breach of Covenant Landlord's Acceptance of Rent for 20 Years Waived Right to Challenge Tenancy and to Prevent Exercise of Options to Renew DHCR's Decision Destabilitzing Apartment Upheld

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Real Property Law Image

Real Property Law

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Scope of Easement Included Right to Install Seasonal Dock No Easement By Necessity But Questions of Fact Remained About Prescription Claim Questions of Fact Remain About Effects of Drilling On Neighboring Parcel Condominium Not Entitled To Summary Judgment On Neighbor's Claim for Negligent Maintenance of Water Main

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Co-ops and Condominiums Image

Co-ops and Condominiums

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Fraudulent Conveyance Claim Against Sponsor Avoids Dismissal Unit Owner's Appropriation of Common Area Constitutes Continuous Trespass Not Barred By Statute of Limitations

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Development Image


New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Environmental Group Had Standing to Challenge Permit Town Could Not Deny Special Permit On Ground That Unit Owner Had Failed to Show Reasonable Need for Proposed Facility


Ex Parte Trademark Appeals to District Court — Lessons Learned from the Front Lines Image

Ex Parte Trademark Appeals to District Court — Lessons Learned from the Front Lines

Christopher P. Bussert & Jonathan E. Moskin

Although pursuit of an appeal to the Federal Circuit may under some circumstances prove to be quicker and less expensive, appeals to district courts are becoming increasingly attractive given recent changes in the law and USPTO practice in defending these actions.

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  • Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright Laws
    This article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.
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  • Key Provisions in Film Location Agreements
    Property owners granting production companies access to their properties seems like a no-brainer — who wouldn't want their property featured in that next big blockbuster movie or hit television series? However, when filming occurs on private property, a location agreement is a must, from the perspectives of both the production company and the property owner.
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  • Child Abuse Deaths Prompt Massive Overhauls
    Commissioner John B. Mattingly of New York City's Administration for Children's Services (ACS) recently issued a statement following the occasion of his 1-year anniversary at his post. Among the accomplishments trumpeted was the fact that his agency had "continued the historic decline in the number of New York City children living in foster care -- passing the 20,000 mark, the 19,000 mark, and the 18,000 mark, to the current census of nearly 17,300." Following publicity surrounding the recent deaths of several children in their homes after their families came under ACS's scrutiny -- some of them reunited with those families after initially having been taken away and others who arguably should have been separated from their families
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