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Fresh Filings Image

Fresh Filings

Entertainment Law & Finance Staff

Notable recent court filings in entertainment law.

Columns & Departments

Landlord & Tenant Law Image

Landlord & Tenant Law

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Tenant Violated the Lease By Changing Nature of the Restaurant Lease's Guaranty Clause Did Not Bind Tenant's Principal Yellowstone Injunction Denied Because Tenant Failed to Show It Was Willing and Able to Cure Defaults Loft Occupant Remains Protected By Loft Law


Legal Travel Is Back: Post-Pandemic Tips for Lawyers Traveling for Trials Image

Legal Travel Is Back: Post-Pandemic Tips for Lawyers Traveling for Trials

Ryan Spear

Many courts across the country have resumed in-person trial operations. Law firms now face new challenges when it comes to planning for out-of-town trials, as the return to in-person proceedings requires coordinating travel logistics such as airfare, hotel reservations and technological needs.


RLUIPA Ripeness Image

RLUIPA Ripeness

Stewart E. Sterk

In Rabbi Israel Meyer Hacochen Rabbinical Seminary of America v. Town of Putnam Valley, a federal district court in the Southern District of New York dismissed a RLUIPA claim as unripe, borrowing ripeness doctrine from the takings context and declining to apply a "futility exception" to the requirement that a landowner obtain a final decision before proceeding to federal court.


Litigators and Privacy: The Last People You Want to See, or the First? Image

Litigators and Privacy: The Last People You Want to See, or the First?

Michael Bahar, Sarah Paul, Matt Gatewood & Andrew Weiner

In their consideration of possible worst-case cyber attack scenarios, organizations often focus on the various types of attacks and their relative severity. But, the worst-case scenario is not the breach, it's the reputational damage, regulatory enforcement action, the business interruption, and the inevitable litigation that follows a poorly handled breach from an unprepared organization. Given this reality, it is important to adjust planning assumptions and response scenarios to focus on addressing these drivers of post-breach exposure.


Editor's Note Image

Editor's Note

Stan Soocher

We sadly note the November passing of long-time Entertainment Law & Finance editorial board member Jay Rosenthal.

Columns & Departments

Landlord & Tenant Image

Landlord & Tenant


Discussion and analysis of several rulings.


The Queen Is Dead, Long Live the Queen? Image

The Queen Is Dead, Long Live the Queen?

Yitzhak Greenberg

The automatic stay of 11 U.S.C. § 362 is one of the most important principles of bankruptcy law. It provides crucial breathing space for the debtor to reorganize or liquidate, and avoids the piecemeal dismemberment of the estate's assets. However, in rare instances, courts have extended stay protection to non-debtors through 11 USC § 105. This is considered extraordinary relief reserved for unusual circumstances, and may be analogized to the inherent power of federal courts under their general equity powers.

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