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Structuring Patent Licensing Agreements Image

Structuring Patent Licensing Agreements

Jose L. Linares, Mark M. Makhail, Stephanie Reed Traband & Michele McGuire Vanderstreet

Licensing inventions vis-a-vis the licensing of patents is not a new practice by any means. However, the explosion of innovation in industries such as technology and pharmaceuticals has placed patent licensing at the forefront of economic advancement.


Law Firms are Reducing Redundant Real Estate by Bringing Support Services Back to the Office Image

Law Firms are Reducing Redundant Real Estate by Bringing Support Services Back to the Office

Tim Haught

A trend analysis of the benefits and challenges of bringing back administrative, word processing and billing services to law offices.


How Will Criminal Law Enforcement Be Able to Police the Improper Use of AI? Image

How Will Criminal Law Enforcement Be Able to Police the Improper Use of AI?

Leo Tsao, Robert Luskin & Corinne Lammers

Given the DOJ's limited tools to prosecute AI crimes where no one intended for the AI to violate the law, effective compliance likely will be the best defense for companies to avoid criminal charges for AI-based crimes.


Maryland Data Privacy Law Signed; Goes Into Effect Next Year Image

Maryland Data Privacy Law Signed; Goes Into Effect Next Year

Cassandre Coyer

Most state privacy laws have crafted bills as refinements of existing frameworks, tweaking language here, adding nuances there — but privacy experts say Maryland is notable in its approach.


Gen-AI Created Influencers Bring New Marketing Risks Image

Gen-AI Created Influencers Bring New Marketing Risks

Cynthia Cole, Alysha Preston & Inez Asante

A steep rise in the use of GenAI and computer-generated influencers brings with it new marketing risks and considerations for celebrities, influencers, and businesses alike.

Columns & Departments

Co-ops and Condominiums Image

Co-ops and Condominiums

New York Real Estate Law Reporter Staff

Unit Owner's Claim Against Condo Board for Inaction Survives Summary Judgment Motion


U.S. Supreme Court Decides Copyright Damages-Lookback Issue But Not Discovery-of-Infringement Rule Image

U.S. Supreme Court Decides Copyright Damages-Lookback Issue But Not Discovery-of-Infringement Rule

Robert W. Clarida & Thomas Kjellberg

In a 6-3 majority decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has resolved a copyright question that generated conflicting results in the U.S. Courts of Appeal for years. But as a forceful dissent pointed out, the court left open a more fundamental issue that could render the entire question moot.


IRS Keeps Hold On Employee Retention Credit Claims to Protect Small Businesses from Fraud Image

IRS Keeps Hold On Employee Retention Credit Claims to Protect Small Businesses from Fraud

Julie Potts

While the IRS has new ERC claims on pause and works to investigate possible fraud, business owners still have the opportunity to protect themselves from potential civil and criminal penalties.


Determining the Indubitable Equivalent of A Bankruptcy Claim Image

Determining the Indubitable Equivalent of A Bankruptcy Claim

Peter Gampel

One aspect of the dispute in interpreting clauses in an agreement from a financial point of view, and one with significant consequences, centered around the term indubitable equivalent value for a Class 5 creditor in the context of a debtor's fifth amended Chapter 11 plan and objection to confirmation filed by creditor. The U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Middle District of Florida, Jacksonville Division opined on that issue.


What Effective Cooperation With the SEC Looks Like, According to SEC Enforcement Director  Image

What Effective Cooperation With the SEC Looks Like, According to SEC Enforcement Director 

Maria Dinzeo

Companies should be going above and beyond what's legally required to earn leniency from the SEC, its top enforcement official said at a gathering of white collar defense attorneys and in-house counsel

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