Bodily Appropriation" Of A Creative Work: Can Trademark Law Provide A Remedy When Copyright Law Cannot?
Can the victim of infringement of a creative work find relief under the trademark law, when relief under the copyright law may not be available, without the need to prove likely consumer confusion? With the Circuit courts split, the Supreme Court recently agreed to decide the issue in <i>Dastar Corp. v. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp.,</i> U.S. NO. 02-428 (granting <i>cert.</i> on January 10, 2003)
IP News
Highlights of the latest intellectual property cases from around the country.
The Latest Threat To E-Commerce : The PanIP Patent Litigation
As if the recent attacks on the tax-exempt status of Internet transactions were not enough for e-commerce vendors to worry about, a new problem has come to light for companies that sell goods or services via an Internet Web site. PanIP, LLC (PanIP), a company based in San Diego, has initiated lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California against over 50 companies transacting business over their Internet Web sites, alleging that such activity constitutes infringement of two patents owned by PanIP.1 The patents asserted by PanIP are generally directed to "data processing systems designed to facilitate commercial, financial and educational transactions between multimedia terminals"2 and to "a system for filing applications with an institution from a plurality of remote sites, and for automatically processing said applications in response to each applicant's credit rating obtained from a credit reporting service."3
Ground-breaking Stent Approved for Clogged Heart Arteries
The FDA has just approved (April 24) the first drug eluting stent for angioplasty procedures to open clogged coronary arteries. In most cases, a stent is left permanently in the artery to keep the vessel open after angioplasty. The new stent slowly releases a drug, and has been shown in clinical studies to significantly reduce the rate of re-blockage that occurs with existing stents.
Congress vs. 'Defensive Medicine'
Due to the rising cost of "defensive medicine," the U.S. House of Representatives recently passed legislation to limit or ban punitive damages in product liability lawsuits over injuries allegedly caused by FDA-approved products. 2003 H.R. 5. The HEALTH "Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-Cost Timely Healthcare" Act of 2003 was introduced in the House on February 5. This bill passed in the House on March 13 and is currently on the calendar of the Senate.
Case Briefing
The latest rulings of importance to you and your practice.
News from the FDA
The latest information you need to know.
Maintaining Claim Scope after Johnson & Johnston
The Supreme Court's decision in <i>Festo</i> has been hailed by many as being one of the most significant cases to impact the patent system. <i>Festo Corp. v. Shoektsu Kinzoku Kogyo Kabushiki Co., Ltd.</i>, 122 S.Ct. 1831 (2002). Some say that more significant than <i>Festo</i> is <i>Johnson</i>, in which the Federal Circuit held that subject matter disclosed but not claimed in a patent cannot be covered by the doctrine of equivalents. See <i>Johnson & Johnston Associates Inc. v. R.E. Service Co.</i>, 285 F.3d 1046 (Fed. Cir. 2002) (<i>en banc</i>).
How In-House Counsel Can Help Their Companies Prevail in Patent Litigation
Over the years, I have worked with many in-house counsel as their outside litigation counsel. These experiences serve as the basis for this article, which discusses some of the things that in-house counsel can do with respect to their outside counsel to improve their company's chances of prevailing in patent litigation.
When is a Small Business not a Small Entity?
Generally, patent attorneys and patent agents are aware that under its regulations, the Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) allows certain parties, such as small businesses (referred to generally as "small entities"), to pay reduced fees. This can be a big benefit to small businesses and individual inventors, many of whom have only limited funds with which to prosecute a patent. Most attorneys and agents evaluate a client for small entity status based on the "500 employee rule" — if the client has fewer than 500 employees, they are a small entity. This rule serves well for a quick "ball park" determination and the elimination of large clients from eligibility, however determining whether a party truly qualifies as a small entity is more complicated. For example, in certain circumstances, a company that qualifies as a small business under the Small Business Administration's (SBA) guidelines might not necessarily qualify as a small entity for the purpose of paying reduced USPTO fees. Improperly claiming small entity status can open the patent to attack during litigation, and the cost of defending against such a claim can easily exceed the savings on government fees.
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- Undercutting the Cost of Underperforming Attorneys Is Your ResponsibilityAs a firm leader it is your fiscal responsibility to address underperforming attorneys. With COVID-19, are your underperformers flying under the radar? The cost to a firm is not only to the bottom line, but to your reputation as a leader.Read More ›
- Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright LawsThis article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.Read More ›
- Voice Actors' Class Action Challenges AI Use of Their VoicesLOVO, an artificial intelligence company focused on voice generation, has been hit with a proposed class action lawsuit, with the plaintiff voice actors arguing they have not been properly compensated for the use of their voices.Read More ›
- Key Provisions in Film Location AgreementsProperty owners granting production companies access to their properties seems like a no-brainer — who wouldn't want their property featured in that next big blockbuster movie or hit television series? However, when filming occurs on private property, a location agreement is a must, from the perspectives of both the production company and the property owner.Read More ›
- Broker Lien LawsToday, 34 jurisdictions have some form of statute that specifies whether, how, and for what a broker may file a lien for the non-payment of a commission in connection with the sale or lease of commercial real estate. A few states simply give brokers the right to file liens under mechanics' lien statutes, but more than 30 have enacted broker-specific lien laws.Read More ›