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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Dorothy LeRay

Fed. Cir. Vacates Lack of Written Description Ruling In Interference<br>Federal Circuit Vacates Unclear Application of “Causal Nexus” Requirement to Prove Irreparable Harm


The Impact of <i>TC Heartland</i> on Copyright Venue Image

The Impact of <i>TC Heartland</i> on Copyright Venue

J. Alexander Lawrence

The Supreme Court sparked a seismic shift in patent litigation recently when it upset the long-standing interpretation of 28 U.S.C. §1400(b), the special patent venue statute. TC Heartland held that for the purposes of patent venue, the meaning of "resides" in Section 1400(b) is not supplemented by the broad definition of "resides" in the general venue provision, 28 U.S.C. §1391.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> After Years of Setbacks, Patent Owners Try to Turn Tide in Congress Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> After Years of Setbacks, Patent Owners Try to Turn Tide in Congress

Scott Graham

Patent owners have taken control of the patent reform debate in the 115th Congress, but it's not clear yet who's supposed to be listening.


Patent Infringement Image

Patent Infringement

Christopher Gaspar & Sean Hyberg

<b><i>Supreme Court Turns Back Clock</b></i><p>Although <i>TC Heartland v. Kraft Foods </i> answers the question of where a domestic corporation resides in patent infringement cases, it does not fully answer the question of where proper venue lies.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Snap Accused of Infringing Patents With Snapchat Tech Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br> Snap Accused of Infringing Patents With Snapchat Tech

Tom McParland

A Texas company has accused Snap Inc. of infringing four patents with systems that allow Snapchat users to scan "Snapcodes" and add friends on the popular social networking app.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & David Cooperberg

Federal Circuit Affirms Non-Infringement Decision Based on Prosecution Disclaimer<br>Federal Circuit Decisions Offer Guidance on Award of Attorney Fees under Section 285


Supreme Court Draws Crucial Distinction In Landmark Patent Exhaustion Decision Image

Supreme Court Draws Crucial Distinction In Landmark Patent Exhaustion Decision

Robin L. McGrath

The Supreme Court's decision in <i>Impression Products v. Lexmark</i> is the latest Supreme Court ruling to eviscerate years-long, patentee-friendly Federal Circuit precedent.


Transactions Triggering the 35 USC §102 On-Sale Bar Image

Transactions Triggering the 35 USC §102 On-Sale Bar

Pinar Bailey

Despite leaving unresolved the ambiguity about the effect of secret sales under §102, the <i>Helsinn</i> ruling offers clues to practitioners seeking to avoid the on-sale bar.


Supreme Court Turns Back the Clock on Venue In Patent Infringement Litigation Image

Supreme Court Turns Back the Clock on Venue In Patent Infringement Litigation

Christopher Gaspar & Sean Hyberg

Although <i>TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Foods</i> answers the question of where a domestic corporation resides in patent infringement cases, it does not fully answer the question of where proper venue lies.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Howard J. Shire & Michael Block

PTAB Did Not Deny Procedural Due Process By Adopting a Claim Construction not Offered by the Parties During IPR<br>USPTO Did Not Exceed Authority in Granting Inter Partes Reexamination after Requester Sought to Have It Denied

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