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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

Federal Circuit Rejects Theory of Infringement Based on Oversimplified Claim Interpretation and Finds That the ITC Correctly Required Proof of Substantial Non-infringing Use Based on Real-World Evidence Federal Circuit Reverses District Court's Decision Dismissing a Declaratory Judgment Action for Lack of Personal Jurisdiction Because the Patent Owner Directed Extensive Communications to the Judicial District


Admissibility of Evidence from Post-Grant Proceedings In District Court Trials Image

Admissibility of Evidence from Post-Grant Proceedings In District Court Trials

Richard S.J. Hung, Alex S. Yap & Stephen J.H. Liu

Courts are increasingly excluding all evidence relating to post-grant proceedings before the PTAB, except when it is used for impeachment. This article reviews recent decisions on this issue from some of the nation's busiest patent districts.

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IP News

Howard Shire & Shaleen Patel

Federal Circuit Invalidates Parts of VoIP Patent

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IP News

Jeffrey Ginsberg & Matthew Weiss

Federal Circuit: The Doctrine of Equivalents Is Not a Binary Choice Federal Circuit: No Estoppel for Party That Joined IPR


Implications of 'Amgen v. Sanofi' On the State of Enablement Law Image

Implications of 'Amgen v. Sanofi' On the State of Enablement Law

Bruce M. Wexler, Aaron P. Selikson, Ashley N. Mays-Williams & Susan S. Hwang

The decision appears to take steps to harmonize the prior cases that appropriately were guided by the Wands factors with the cases discussing the "full scope" of enablement that have engendered some confusion in the law.


Equity In Broad and Flexible Fashion Image

Equity In Broad and Flexible Fashion

Kelvin Han

Federal Circuit Wasn't Chicken to Grant Equitable Intervening Right in Poultry Processing Equipment Case A dispute between the two titans in the poultry processing equipment market led the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to construe the term "protection of investments" in 35 U.S.C. §252.


A Unique Solution to COVID-19-Related Delays At the U.S. International Trade Commission Image

A Unique Solution to COVID-19-Related Delays At the U.S. International Trade Commission

Robert Angle & Brittanee Petrik

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ITC was forced to suspend in-person hearings and halt its fast-paced schedules while it explored existing technological resources and reliable and secure options available for video conferencing that would protect parties' confidential business information (CBI).


Patent Litigation Growth In 2020 Points to Sustained Activity In 2021 Image

Patent Litigation Growth In 2020 Points to Sustained Activity In 2021

Rob Maier

Despite the recession — or partly as a result of it — 2020 was also a year of growth for patent litigation in the United States. This article provides a look back at patent litigation filing statistics in recent years across district courts in the United States, with an eye toward current trends that in all likelihood will continue deep into 2021.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeffrey Ginsberg & Ryan J. Sheehan

Federal Circuit: Texas Court Abused Its Discretion By Delaying On Venue Transfer Motion While Proceeding With the Merits of the Case Federal Circuit: PTAB Violates the APA When It Sua Sponte Adopts a New Claim Construction to Support New Theory of Invalidity for First Time

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IP News

Howard Shire & Shaleen J. Patel

PTAB to Follow Nautilus Standard of Definiteness

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