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Are Companies Playing It Too Safe With GDPR Breach Reporting? Image

Are Companies Playing It Too Safe With GDPR Breach Reporting?

Frank Ready

A new report from the law firm of Pinsent Masons shows that there has been a high level of GDPR "over-reporting" at the U.K.'s Information Commissioner's Office, but organizations who may think they are playing it safe may actually be opening themselves up to further regulatory scrutiny.


Clients Drive Information Governance: Payment Tied to Guideline Compliance Image

Clients Drive Information Governance: Payment Tied to Guideline Compliance

Stephen Cole

To comply with the data side of the Outside Counsel Guidelines, firms must have a clear information governance strategy for which the firm's use of technology systems is foundational.


EU E-Commerce Proposal Aims to Eliminate Barriers; Calls for E-Signatures and Net Neutrality Image

EU E-Commerce Proposal Aims to Eliminate Barriers; Calls for E-Signatures and Net Neutrality

Simon Taylor

The European Union has put forth an ambitious proposal for how countries can eliminate barriers to e-commerce and protect businesses and consumers engaged in online transactions. But parts of the proposal, published as part of a World Trade Organization initiative that includes the U.S. and China, are likely to face opposition.


Companies Poised To Repeat Data Privacy Compliance Mistakes Image

Companies Poised To Repeat Data Privacy Compliance Mistakes

Phillip Bantz

<b><i>New Study Shows U.S. Companies Are Taking the Same Failed Approach To Complying With California's Privacy Regulation As They Did for GDPR</b></i><p>U.S. companies haven't learned much from the missteps they made while preparing for the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), suggests a new study on data privacy regulation compliance.


State Report: New NJ Data Breach Notification Legislation Signed Image

State Report: New NJ Data Breach Notification Legislation Signed

Suzette Parmley

Legislation expanding the types of personal data that will trigger a required notification to customers in case of a breach, including email addresses and passwords, was signed into law by Gov. Phil Murphy.


The Nice-to-Haves and Need-to-Haves of Cloud Computing Image

The Nice-to-Haves and Need-to-Haves of Cloud Computing

Michael Smith & Mike Paul

This article discusses what to look for in a cloud service provider and other issues that will help determine if moving to the cloud is the right move for your firm.


The Eyes (and Privacy Laws) of Texas Are Upon You Image

The Eyes (and Privacy Laws) of Texas Are Upon You

Eric Levy

<b><i>Consistent With the Cliché That “Everything's Bigger In Texas,” the Texas Legislature Has Introduced Not One, But Two Separate Bills Relating to the Privacy of Personal Information</b></i><p>The TPPA is arguably the less onerous of the two bills, although you might not necessarily realize it at first blush, given the broad way it defines “personal identifying information” (PII).


Safeguarding Client Data: An Attorney's Duty to Provide 'Reasonable' Security Image

Safeguarding Client Data: An Attorney's Duty to Provide 'Reasonable' Security

David G. Ries

Effective cybersecurity requires an ongoing, risk-based, comprehensive process that addresses people, policies and procedures, and technology, including training. Effective security also requires an understanding that security is everyone's responsibility and constant security awareness by all users of technology.


Getting Ready for Wide-Ranging Reach of California's Data Privacy Law Image

Getting Ready for Wide-Ranging Reach of California's Data Privacy Law

Samuel Cullari & Alexis Cocco

The CCPA is the first of its kind, generally applicable data protection law in the United States. What makes the CCPA unique is not only its applicability to companies like those in the entertainment and media industries, but also the rights it provides to consumers regarding their personal information (PI).


The Principles of Good Cyber Risk Management Image

The Principles of Good Cyber Risk Management

Ankur Sheth & Jano Bermudes

Apart from headline grabbing attacks, we are now seeing an epidemic of cyber attacks. Concern has shifted from dealing with data being stolen and sold on the dark Web to handling serious ransomware and destructive attacks, where attackers are looking for immediate monetary output.

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