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Senate Votes to Repeal FCC Internet Privacy Rules Image

Senate Votes to Repeal FCC Internet Privacy Rules

Lora Hollien

The FCC's move to stop Internet service providers from collecting customers' personal information without consent has itself been halted. The Senate voted 50-48 on March 24 to overturn the rules, with the House expected to follow suit.


In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy Image

In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy

Devika Kornbacher, Scott Breedlove, Janice Ta & Aislinn Affinito

Every day, billions of mobile and Internet-enabled computers, smartphones, watches, drones and even coffee machines are collecting vast amounts of geolocation…


Back in the GDPR Image

Back in the GDPR

Dan Panitz & H. Bruce Gordon

Any company operating globally should protect its value through exposure containment under both privacy shield and the forthcoming GDPR.


What You Need to Know to Get Started with Privacy Shield Certification Image

What You Need to Know to Get Started with Privacy Shield Certification

David F. Katz

If your company maintains operations in the European Union or is U.S. based but obtaining personal data from European citizens, you will need to strongly consider obtaining certification under the new Privacy Shield framework. Certification began in August 2016, and will make compliance with EU privacy laws when transferring data to the U.S. possible for the immediate future.


Is Your Law Firm Running 'Encryption Light?' Image

Is Your Law Firm Running 'Encryption Light?'

Nina Cunningham

With so many warnings to lawyers about transmitting unsecured email and attachments, it can be difficult to understand the solutions available and how they differ. Some may improve security but make communications cumbersome. If too cumbersome, users seek a way to work around them or choose less powerful tools.


Building a Business Case for a Data Privacy Program Image

Building a Business Case for a Data Privacy Program

Heidi Maher

When members of the Compliance, Governance and Oversight Council (CGOC) discuss data privacy and security today, I see an entirely new level of urgency.…


Search Warrants for IoT Data Spur Legal, Privacy Complications Image

Search Warrants for IoT Data Spur Legal, Privacy Complications

Ricci Dipshan

<b><i><font size="-1"> Law Enforcement Attempts to Access Amazon Echo Raise Questions over the Viability of IoT Data in Investigations and the Vulnerability of Private Information</b></i></font><p>A case surrounding a mysterious death in a Benton County, AR, has far-reaching implications for the ownership and privacy of data generated from Internet-connected devices.


<i>Online Extra</i><br>DOL Sues Google Over Failure to Provide Compensation Data Image

<i>Online Extra</i><br>DOL Sues Google Over Failure to Provide Compensation Data

Rebekah Mintzer

The Department of Labor (DOL) is asking an administrative law judge to order the company to turn over information on job and salary history for employees…


Virtual Snooping Image

Virtual Snooping

Karen Ellis

The modern-day snoop is all too often someone you know. If this consideration doesn't leave you paranoid and looking over your shoulder, it should.


Presidential Cybersecurity Handoff Image

Presidential Cybersecurity Handoff

Justin Hectus

Given the pending change in administration and uncertainty around President-elect Trump's priorities on cybersecurity, an analysis of the current federal cyber landscape may yield insights into how the next administration might prioritize their approach on this important front.

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