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California Privacy Bill Could Upend the Way Data Brokers Do Business In the Golden State Image

California Privacy Bill Could Upend the Way Data Brokers Do Business In the Golden State

Maria Dinzeo

A California privacy bill that will give consumers the power to delete their personal information through a single request may soon become law, and could upend the way data brokers, advertisers and publishers do business in the Golden State.


The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: Did Transferring Personal Data from the EU to the U.S. Just Get Easier? Image

The EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: Did Transferring Personal Data from the EU to the U.S. Just Get Easier?

Wim Nauwelaerts

Businesses and organizations that (regularly) transfer personal data from the EU to the U.S. should carefully assess, on a case-by-case basis, whether it makes sense to rely on the new EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework or to use one of the other data transfer tools that are available under the GDPR.


Florida's New Data Privacy Bill Is an Outlier, Going Both Broad and Narrow Image

Florida's New Data Privacy Bill Is an Outlier, Going Both Broad and Narrow

Cassandre Coyer

The Florida law, which will go into effect on July 1, 2024, positions itself as an outlier among other state data privacy regulations.


Preparing Companies for Impending Data Privacy, Cybersecurity Changes Image

Preparing Companies for Impending Data Privacy, Cybersecurity Changes

Sarah F. Hutchins

Failing to pay attention to shifting data privacy and security regulations can be costly. Here's an overview of what's been happening — and what's likely to happen next — in the world of data privacy and security.


How to Avoid Running Afoul of Privacy Laws Image

How to Avoid Running Afoul of Privacy Laws

Dan Panitz & Jerry McIver

Privacy laws and enforcement are causing big changes to global commerce and have now arrived at our doorstep. The million dollar questions are how this will affect our businesses and what, if anything, do we need to do about it?


Start-Ups, Cyber Attacks and Regulations Image

Start-Ups, Cyber Attacks and Regulations

CLS Staff

A Q&A with Christina Gagnier, a Shareholder with Carlton Fields and President of the newly-launched privacy and cybersecurity consultancy CTRL, on the cyber issues specific to start-ups and small businesses.


Hot Button Enforcement Issues In the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act Image

Hot Button Enforcement Issues In the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act

John Beardwood & Shan Arora

Part Four In a Series The conclusion of the series on Canada's recently introduced Consumer Privacy Protection Act looks at hot button enforcement issues in the Act.


The Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome Image

The Information Governance Groundhog Day Syndrome

Ben Schmidt & Nathan Curtis

Security and privacy start with good information governance, and for many firms — trying to get their information governance policy implemented feels a lot like Groundhog Day. Yes, the one with Bill Murray. Let's take a closer look.


Compliance for Privacy Officers on the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act Image

Compliance for Privacy Officers on the New Canadian Consumer Privacy Protection Act

John Beardwood & Shan Arora

Part Three In a Series Part Three continues the analysis of new compliance requirements in Canada's new Consumer Privacy Protection Act, including the content of organizational privacy policies and anonymization of personal information policies, and business transaction policies contained in the Act.


EU Releases Attempt At Comprehensive Cybersecurity Legislation Image

EU Releases Attempt At Comprehensive Cybersecurity Legislation

Cassandre Coyer

The European Union released its first attempt at a comprehensive cybersecurity legislation, the Cyber Resilience Act — and its impact on the technology market could be far-reaching.

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