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The Pandemic Job Market: From Drought to Pandemonium Image

The Pandemic Job Market: From Drought to Pandemonium

Jared Coseglia

This article gives historical context to the events that brought us to the current climate and provides guidance on how employers and employees can successfully navigate the ensuing complexities of job searching and hiring in the post-pandemic pandemonium. Part One of a Two-Part Article


NY Privacy Act Stalls, Would Escalate Protections Above Other State & International Regulations Image

NY Privacy Act Stalls, Would Escalate Protections Above Other State & International Regulations

F. Paul Greene

The failure of NYPA to pass is not exceptionally noteworthy. What is noteworthy, however, is that it marks an escalation of data privacy protections and restrictions not seen in other major regulatory regimes, whether in the United States or abroad. And since most believe its failure to pass was due more to the end-of-session rush than its contents, don't be surprised if it pops up again in January 2022.


Where Is the Consumer In Consumer Privacy Legislation? Image

Where Is the Consumer In Consumer Privacy Legislation?

Rita W. Garry

In the past four months of 2021, the amount of state legislative activity around consumer data privacy laws has been frantic, by state legislatures standards. So much so, it is not easy to discern the cause for all this effort.


Mastery of Information: How to Successfully Manage Ungoverned Data for Risk Mitigation Image

Mastery of Information: How to Successfully Manage Ungoverned Data for Risk Mitigation

Peter Baumann

Companies are collecting and managing more data than ever, essentially in order to create value, thus in effect making every company a "data" company. But for data to provide value, organizations need to know where it is, who has access to it, how it's managed, including its longevity value, and how it needs to be secured and protected.


The World of NFTs Image

The World of NFTs

Christine K. Au-Yeung

NFTs have been all the rage lately. So what exactly are they?


Can You Hear Me Now? — Privacy of Discussions Image

Can You Hear Me Now? — Privacy of Discussions

Leonard Deutchman 

This article looks at privacy discussions, focusing on what in the circumstances discussed renders the IT data private and whether the criteria relied upon when courts and others in the discussion determine that the data is or is not private is truly determinative, as well as properly understood.


How to Avoid 'Privacy Debt' Image

How to Avoid 'Privacy Debt'

Catherine Zhu

For many tech companies today, their products and business model require the collection and storage of data. At the same time, a failure to build adequate data protection technology, processes, and operations will continuously generate "privacy debt" for the business. The accumulation of this "privacy debt" can eventually turn away customers, attract regulatory penalties, and create an existential risk for the company.


Privacy and Ethical Concerns of Vaccine Passports Image

Privacy and Ethical Concerns of Vaccine Passports

Emily N. Litzinger & Alexa R. Hanlon

While the concept of digital vaccine passports might seem like a perfect solution, implementation is muddled not only by administrative feasibility, but the web of legal and business considerations raised if requiring the passport to return to the workplace or enter a business. This article untangles some of these complex legal considerations, including privacy and ethical concerns, offering employers guidance in evaluating their feasibility at the workplace.


California Privacy Protection Agency Roster Set Image

California Privacy Protection Agency Roster Set

Mike Scarcella

California named five members to the inaugural board of the California Privacy Protection Agency, a new entity created by voters in 2020 that will enforce the state's sweeping consumer privacy laws.


Winter 2021 Privacy Alert Roundup Image

Winter 2021 Privacy Alert Roundup

Rebecca Perry

In this Privacy Alert Roundup, we'll take a look at Virginia's new proposed data protection law, a new proposed federal banking rule regarding cybersecurity incidents, and how lackadaisical vendor risk management can come back to bite you in court.

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