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Five Steps to Managing Social Media Risks Image

Five Steps to Managing Social Media Risks

Douglas J. Wood

On the one hand, companies want to capture the attention of potential customers roaming the social media space. On the other hand, conversations in the blogosphere are largely uncontrollable, and raise a myriad of risks. Social media can cause serious losses if not handled correctly.


Third Circuit Tackles Teen 'Sexting' As Child Pornography Image

Third Circuit Tackles Teen 'Sexting' As Child Pornography

Shannon P. Duffy

As the nation's first case involving criminal prosecutions of teenagers for "sexting" made its way to a federal appeals court in Philadelphia, all three judges seemed skeptical of the prosecutor's claim that child pornography laws are violated when a teen transmits a nude image of herself.


Registering Marks As Top-Level Domain Names Image

Registering Marks As Top-Level Domain Names

Robert B.G. (Red) Horowitz

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") plans to issue generic top-level domain names ("gTLDs") beyond the current 21 top-level domain names ("TLDs") such as .com and .net. For the first time, trademark owners may use their marks as gTLDs; for example, .nike. The application process is complex, and trademark owners have no guarantee that they will secure gTLDs for their marks. e-Commerce providers, however, can use trademark-law strategy to gain advantages during the application process.


Worker Misclassification to Receive Heightened Scrutiny Image

Worker Misclassification to Receive Heightened Scrutiny

Joel W. Rice & Brian K. LaFratta

Over the past year, federal and state governmental agencies have signaled their intent to more seriously investigate the misclassification of employees as independent contractors. Penalties for misclassification are severe and can put a company out of business.


COBRA Subsidy Extended; Further Extensions Likely Image

COBRA Subsidy Extended; Further Extensions Likely

Stuart Sirkin

In the midst of the ongoing health care reform debate, Congress was able to unanimously agree on retroactively extending the Federal 65% COBRA health care premium subsidy for workers involuntarily separated.


Money Laundering: A Changing Paradigm Image

Money Laundering: A Changing Paradigm

Michael Zeldin & Miriam Ratkovicova

Over the past several months there has been a slew of public pronouncements that should put financial institutions on edge. Enhanced enforcement of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is now migrating into the financial sector and linking up with anti-money laundering (AML) and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) compliance requirements.


<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</i></b> Gay Marriage Falls in New Jersey Senate Image

<b><i>BREAKING NEWS:</i></b> Gay Marriage Falls in New Jersey Senate

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

The New Jersey state senate has voted down the gay marriage bill 20-14, according to the Associated Press and <i>The Huffington Post</i>.


Interpreting FTC's New Endorsement Guidelines Image

Interpreting FTC's New Endorsement Guidelines

Alan L. Friel

This series examines changes to the Federal Trade Commission guidelines for product endorsements and testimonials. The revised new guidelines took effect Dec. 1, 2009.


FTC Guidelines Fallout Image

FTC Guidelines Fallout

Jonathan Bick

The regulations that the Federal Trade Commission recently promulgated on product endorsements could result in injunctions for bloggers and advertisers, who could be ordered to reimburse consumers for financial losses stemming from product reviews that are considered inappropriate under the new guidance.


Compensation and Risk-Taking Image

Compensation and Risk-Taking

Dan Borge

Spurred on by an angry public, regulators will be requiring banks to demonstrate that their compensation policies do not result in "excessive risk-taking." Any bankers hoping this issue will fade away are going to be disappointed. Risk-based compensation is on its way and banks should start now to get ready for it.

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