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Summary of Developments Under New York's Environmental Quality Act Image

Summary of Developments Under New York's Environmental Quality Act

Michael B. Gerrard & Edward McTiernan

The courts issued 41 decisions in 2017 under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, and changes were made to regulations themselves this year. This article summarizes the most important of these cases and regulation changes, and the patterns they represent.


General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense? Image

General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense?

Nina Cunningham

Ostensibly, GDPR's mission is to strengthen and unify the EU's protection of online privacy rights and promote data protection for citizens of the 28 countries currently in the EU. In the global economy, however, GDPR serves as an alarm to all countries with business flowing across Europe and well beyond. Where business flows, data follow.


Five Takeaways from Recent Cybersecurity Developments by Colorado and the SEC Image

Five Takeaways from Recent Cybersecurity Developments by Colorado and the SEC

Brian Neil Hoffman

Colorado recently adopted a new law expanding companies' obligations in the event of a cybersecurity incident, and establishing new data security and disposal obligations. Recent announcements by the SEC likewise emphasize important responsive points for both companies and their personnel in the wake of an incident. Five key takeaways from these developments are highlighted in this article.


What the C-Suite Needs to Know About FCPA Prosecutions Image

What the C-Suite Needs to Know About FCPA Prosecutions

C. Ryan Barber

In 2017, the Justice Department charged 20 people with FCPA violations — the second-highest single-year total since the law's passage in 1977, according to a new study by Arent Fox.


Issues Between EU Data Protection, Use of Blockchain Image

Issues Between EU Data Protection, Use of Blockchain

Justin Hectus & Kristy Sambor

Emerging technologies and regulations have the power to create, shape or kill businesses. For the entertainment industry, the European Union's (EU) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and blockchain technology each embody forces that have the potential for profound impact. Taken in tandem, the GDPR and blockchain highlight the possibilities and pitfalls of disruption and the importance of cross-organizational collaboration in compliance and innovation initiatives.


The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and How It Affects Real Estate Image

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and How It Affects Real Estate

Peter M. Fass

<b><i>Part Two of a Two-Part Article</b></i><p>Part One of this article discussed changes affecting real estate including the pass-through business deduction adopted in new §199A of the Tax Act. Part Two expands upon the workings of the pass-through business deduction (pass-through deduction).


Tenant Liability CERCLA Changes Under 2018 BUILD Act Image

Tenant Liability CERCLA Changes Under 2018 BUILD Act

Nicole TK Moore

One of the significant updates to the law is that now, a tenant at an industrial or manufacturing site can, under appropriate circumstances, claim the “bona fide prospective purchaser” defense to Superfund liability and escape strict, joint, and several owner/operator liabilities when leasing previously-contaminated property.


Due Diligence in Distressed Community Hospitals Image

Due Diligence in Distressed Community Hospitals

Deborah Williamson, Mark Andrews & Richard Y. Cheng

Many community hospitals are in distress. The causes are varied but have a constant theme — the cost to adapt to a rapidly changing environment.


Blockchain and GDPR — Frenemies? Image

Blockchain and GDPR — Frenemies?

Justin Hectus & Kristy Sambor

In a nutshell, GDPR mandates that individuals have access and control over the use and maintenance of their data in certain circumstances, while the foundation of blockchain relies on the immutability of data. On the surface, these concepts seem in direct conflict with each other. This article discusses the points where GDPR and blockchain share common ground, where conflicts may exist and possible approaches for mitigating those conflicts.


General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense? Image

General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense?

Nina Cunningham

Ostensibly, GDPR's mission is to strengthen and unify the EU's protection of online privacy rights and promote data protection for citizens of the 28 countries currently in the EU. In the global economy, however, GDPR serves as an alarm to all countries with business flowing across Europe and well beyond. Where business flows, data follow.

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