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Effective Contract Management Image

Effective Contract Management

Ralph Z. Levy Jr.

<i><b>Three Goals</i></b><p>A recent report laid bare one of the most pressing problems of today's companies — and their GCs. Simply put, the report found that businesses of all types do a poor job of contract management.


Best Practices in Data Security for Financial Institutions Image

Best Practices in Data Security for Financial Institutions

Craig Nazzaro

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) recently revised its Information Security Booklet. The changes bring the financial services industry closer to the goal of having a clearly defined set of cybersecurity and data protection protocols to ensure regulatory compliance.


Mission Impossible? Addressing WARN Act Liability in Liquidating Mid-Market Cases Image

Mission Impossible? Addressing WARN Act Liability in Liquidating Mid-Market Cases

Mark S. Melickian

this issue of WARN Act liability giving rise to significant administrative or priority claim risk is unique to bankruptcy.However, assuming that, for other reasons, a bankruptcy case is the best path for your client, what can you do to mitigate the risk?


Insider Trading Liability for Liability Based on Tips from Family Image

Insider Trading Liability for Liability Based on Tips from Family

Eric Rieder

When the Supreme Court last year agreed to hear the defendant's appeal in <i>United States v. Salman,</i> it raised expectations in some quarters that it might significantly change insider trading law by curtailing liability for trading on tips from family members. But when it issued its opinion in December, it disappointed those expectations by unanimously reaffirming liability for trading on family tips, even where the tipper receives no monetary gain.


Building Your Medical Liability Risk Management Program Image

Building Your Medical Liability Risk Management Program

Kevin Quinley

One major medical malpractice suit can financially ruin an unprepared physician, hospital or medical practice. Since doctors, hospitals and other health care professionals risk lawsuits, they obviously need insurance to cover this contingency. Medical professionals, known for a thorough, methodical and scientific orientation, should have exacting protocols when shopping for medical malpractice insurance.<p><b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</b></i>


Practical Approaches to the EU-US Privacy Shield Image

Practical Approaches to the EU-US Privacy Shield

Dan Panitz & H. Bruce Gordon

This article discusses the corporate impact of the EU-US Privacy Shield and practical approaches to managing global corporate data in the wake of <i>Schrems</i>.


In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy Image

In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy

Devika Kornbacher, Scott Breedlove, Janice Ta & Aislinn Affinito

The United States does not have comprehensive legislation addressing the privacy implications of the collection and use of geolocation data. However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has used its enforcement authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act to regulate companies engaged in unfair or deceptive practices involving geolocation data.


Did the New Cause Of Action for Job Applicants Under the ADEA Get Axed? Image

Did the New Cause Of Action for Job Applicants Under the ADEA Get Axed?

Matthew R. Simpson

In <i>Villarreal v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,</i> the Eleventh Circuit concluded that Section 4(a)(2) of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) does not allow job applicants to assert claims of disparate impact against a potential employer.


Design Patent Damage Awards Image

Design Patent Damage Awards

John S. Artz, Franklin M. Smith & Brandon L. Debus

<b><i>Rotten for Apple</b></i><p>On Dec. 6, 2017, the United States Supreme Court, hearing its first design patent case in over 120 years, unanimously threw away a $400 million award that Apple won against Samsung Electronics. In doing so, the justices interpreted an 1887 statute providing that it is unlawful to manufacture or sell an "article of manufacture" that a patented design or colorable imitation has been applied.


HVCRE Regulations Image

HVCRE Regulations

Mitchell L. Berg & Peter E. Fisch

<b><i>Greater Clarity Needed</b></i><p>The new HVCRE rules require banks to assign a 150% risk weight to any HVCRE exposure (up from the 100% risk weight assigned under general risk-based capital rules) and cover all acquisition, development or construction (ADC) loans unless an exception applies.

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  • Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright Laws
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  • Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult Coin
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  • Role and Responsibilities of Practice Group Leaders
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