
The Future of the SEC's Climate Change Disclosure Rules If Regulatory Polices Are Reversed
Depending on the results of the election in November, there may be major reversals in securities regulation and SEC policies. In particular, the SEC's much discussed and much litigated climate disclosure rules may be abandoned by a Trump SEC.

SEC Whistleblower Short Sellers
The position that short sellers should be denied the benefits of their critically important whistleblowing efforts is short-sighted and contrary to the notions of our capitalistic markets. Moreover, it will serve only to disincentive a vital constituency of the SEC Whistleblower Program, which, in turn, will degrade the effectiveness of the SEC's enforcement program.

Strategies and Legal Challenges Following FTC's Noncompete Rule
The FTC's new rule that limits noncompete clauses/agreements is slated to go into effect on Sept. 4, 2024. This article summarizes the rule, some pending challenges to the rule, and strategies that businesses should consider implementing today to protect their interests.

LJN Quarterly Update: 2024 Q2
The LJN Quarterly Update highlights some of the articles from the nine LJN Newsletters titles over the quarter. Articles include in-depth analysis and insights from lawyers and other practice area experts.

DOJ's Cyber Fraud Initiative Is a Wake-Up Call That Keeps Ringing
The DOJ's Cyber-Fraud Initiative's results and DOJ's guidance on corporate compliance have made the point to government contractors and corporate America — "now is the time to invest and reinvest" in cybersecurity compliance.

First Circuit Defines 'Featured Artist' for Purpose of Right to Sound-Recording Royalties from Digital Transmissions
To the public, a band typically is defined as its performing members, not a business entity that may control the music group. But when it comes to royalty rights, are the performers or the business entity entitled to "featured artist" statutory royalties from digital transmissions of the band's sound recordings?

DOJ's Cyber Fraud Initiative: A Wake-up Call That Keeps Ringing
DOJ's Cyber Fraud Initiative has been a wake-up call for companies to prioritize cybersecurity and adhere to stringent standards. By leveraging the FCA, DOJ has used a powerful enforcement tool to target a wide range of cybersecurity failures and misrepresentations. The increasing focus on cybersecurity by enforcement agencies means that robust cybersecurity practices are becoming a standard expectation, not just a best practice.

Hope for 'Spotify Model' for Licensing Content for AI
A "Spotify model" of licensing, regulation and royalties could be the answer to the recent slew of lawsuits and future litigation relating to generative artificial intelligence defined by rampant misappropriation of name, image and likeness of individuals, including high-profile celebrities.

The State of Supreme Court Jurisprudence On Public Corruption
In the past decade, each time the Supreme Court has taken certiorari in a public corruption case, the court has reversed trial convictions and limited the types of conduct that constitute a federal bribery offense.

Key Takeaways from the Latest USPTO Guidance on AI
The April Guidance, which supplements prior guidance issued in February, seeks to remind practitioners of existing rules and to educate them on potential risks associated with artificial intelligence tool use, allowing practitioners to mitigate these risks.
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- Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright LawsThis article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.Read More ›
- Voice Actors' Class Action Challenges AI Use of Their VoicesLOVO, an artificial intelligence company focused on voice generation, has been hit with a proposed class action lawsuit, with the plaintiff voice actors arguing they have not been properly compensated for the use of their voices.Read More ›
- Key Provisions in Film Location AgreementsProperty owners granting production companies access to their properties seems like a no-brainer — who wouldn't want their property featured in that next big blockbuster movie or hit television series? However, when filming occurs on private property, a location agreement is a must, from the perspectives of both the production company and the property owner.Read More ›
- Child Abuse Deaths Prompt Massive OverhaulsCommissioner John B. Mattingly of New York City's Administration for Children's Services (ACS) recently issued a statement following the occasion of his 1-year anniversary at his post. Among the accomplishments trumpeted was the fact that his agency had "continued the historic decline in the number of New York City children living in foster care -- passing the 20,000 mark, the 19,000 mark, and the 18,000 mark, to the current census of nearly 17,300." Following publicity surrounding the recent deaths of several children in their homes after their families came under ACS's scrutiny -- some of them reunited with those families after initially having been taken away and others who arguably should have been separated from their familiesRead More ›
- Payment Under Critical Vendor Order Does Not Bar Pursuing a Preference ClaimA supplier's receipt of payment under a critical vendor order does not bar the debtor or trustee from pursuing a preference claim to recover amounts paid prepetition to the vendor, according to a recent ruling from the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware.Read More ›