Surviving the Retail Shift
October 02, 2017
<b><I>Landlords' Duty to Mitigate Damages.</b></i><p><i><b>Part Two of a Five-Part Series</I></b><p>In Part One of this series, the authors addressed managing the legal process to help commercial landlords achieve the most efficient results when dealing with a defaulting retail tenant. But what happens once the shopping center owner or manager recovers possession of the lease premises?
The Cost of Making Partner
October 02, 2017
Making partner isn't cheap, and the cost is more than just the years of hard work and stress that associates put in as they reach for the brass ring.
No Harassment, But Retaliation Claim Survives
October 02, 2017
Just as the adage is that "the coverup is worse than the crime," we know that in employment law, "the retaliation claim is more dangerous than the underlying discrimination." The latest example of this is in the recent decision of <I>Austin v. Bloomin' Brands, Inc.</I>.
October 02, 2017
A look at a case in which, in a developer's article 78 proceeding challenging the town's denial of its application to rezone property, the town moved to dismiss.
Update: The China Equipment Leasing Market
October 02, 2017
<b><I>Reaching an Inflection Point</I></b><p>As the Chinese government tightly regulates leasing, it is problematic that the industry has never been able to develop a unified position on important licensing, tax, capitalization, regulatory and other requirements. This needs to change if the industry is to continue to expand, particularly among small and medium enterprises.
Exit Interviews and Your Firm's Culture
October 02, 2017
Through the process of conducting exit interviews with the good attorneys who have left, along with those the firm has asked to leave, you can gather intel about your firm's culture. The business justification for doing exit interviews is to learn about and improve systematic organizational or interpersonal issues that may be adversely impacting your firm.
October 02, 2017
In-depth analysis of two key rulings.
Case Notes
October 02, 2017
A look at a situation in which, because the drug-manufacturing defendants seeking federal retention of a case removed from state court were unable to prove the four elements of the U.S. Supreme Court's <I>Gunn</I> test for federal-question jurisdiction, the case was remanded back to state court.
NY's Paid Family Leave Program
October 02, 2017
<b><I>Part One of a Two-Part Article</I></b><p>Effective Jan. 1, 2018, New York State will have its own "Paid Family Leave Benefits Law." Since the payroll deductions supporting the Law began July 1, 2017, it is not too early to begin reviewing your employer obligations.