Law Firm Strategy Execs Wield Uneven Clout
July 02, 2017
The role of chief strategy officer (CSO) — increasingly common in corporate America — has been adopted by relatively few law firms. Consultants say perceptions of what the position entails and whether it's necessary vary widely throughout the legal industry.
IP News
July 02, 2017
Federal Circuit Affirms Non-Infringement Decision Based on Prosecution Disclaimer<br>Federal Circuit Decisions Offer Guidance on Award of Attorney Fees under Section 285
Bit Parts
July 02, 2017
Mash-Up of Dr. Seuss/Star Trek Components Is a Fair Use
The Business Intelligence to Competitive Intelligence Continuum
July 01, 2017
Not too many years ago, good decisions made by smart lawyers were sufficient. Law firms were raising their fees substantially every year and attorney incomes were soaring. Now, corporate buyers are largely calling the shots, and excellent decision-making by law firm leaders is required as firms work to maintain their profitability.
<b><I>Leadership:</I></b> How Do You Measure Up?
July 01, 2017
Whether a firm has poor leaders, leaders with no vision, leaders who micro-manage or leaders who are downright dysfunctional, somewhere in the firm there is an opportunity to help a leader or a group of leaders to become more effective.
Motivating Attorneys to Establish Firm Objectives
July 01, 2017
<b><I>Part One of a Two-Part Article</I></b><p>The two major challenges now facing lawyer management in many mid-size firms are: 1) how to motivate the non-entrepreneurial attorneys to achieve and to perform; and 2) how to retain the "over-achiever" attorneys so they will remain with the firm.
Does the Auxiliary Aids Standard Apply To Websites?
July 01, 2017
<b><i>Gil v. Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.</b></i><p>After years of demand letters, complaints and settlements, a website accessibility lawsuit under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act finally went to trial. The case is remarkable not just because it is the first of its kind to go to trial, but also because the court's opinion does not consider whether a website owner can employ alternatives other than WCAG 2.0 to make website content "accessible."
5 Legal Consequences of Diving 'All In' on Social Media
July 01, 2017
<b><i>Companies and Lawyers Should Begin to Learn the Laws of Individual Platforms Before Trying to Apply National and Local Legal Concepts</b></i><p>Since the possibilities offered by social networks and their reach on consumers are unquestionable, companies must remember that important legal consequences exist between an online presence on social media and on a proprietary website. We look at a few key consequences of going "all in" with social platforms below.