Step into Power: Lead with Aplomb
March 02, 2017
For a firm to be successful, its leaders must create the circumstances for "1,000 flowers to bloom." As corny as this may sound, that is what great law-firm leaders do.
What You Need to Know to Get Started with Privacy Shield Certification
March 02, 2017
If your company maintains operations in the European Union or is U.S. based but obtaining personal data from European citizens, you will need to strongly consider obtaining certification under the new Privacy Shield framework. Certification began in August 2016, and will make compliance with EU privacy laws when transferring data to the U.S. possible for the immediate future.
Blockchain: A Short Primer for Lawyers
March 02, 2017
This article familiarizes lawyers with cryptocurrency and, particularly, the enabling blockchain technology, methodologies and systems. It also introduces lawyers to blockchain's current and future uses and points to other resources to learn more about this profoundly disruptive and promising collection of technological advancements.
Judicial View on 'Arising Out of' Exclusion in Bill Cosby Policy
March 02, 2017
The claims over the last few years by numerous individuals who allege sexual misconduct by comedian Bill Cosby have also led to disputes about the obligation of Cosby's insurers to pay for his defense attorneys and any eventual settlements or judgments. A decision by a federal district court in Massachusetts, where Cosby lives, addresses these disputes.
Lawyers Can Innovate with Design Thinking
March 02, 2017
In a legal setting, Design Thinking can be used by the lawyer to match his or her client's needs to what is legally and practically achievable in order to create a successful business or problem-solving strategy.
Choice of Law Bars Rapper's Defamation Case
March 02, 2017
A Delaware federal judge dismissed a defamation suit by a rapper formerly affiliated with the hip-hop group Wu-Tang Clan who claimed media outlets falsely reported that he attempted a grisly act of self-mutilation and attempted suicide.
Blockchain: A Short Primer for Lawyers
March 02, 2017
This article familiarizes lawyers with cryptocurrency and, particularly, the enabling blockchain technology, methodologies and systems. It also introduces lawyers to blockchain's current and future uses and points to other resources to learn more about this profoundly disruptive and promising collection of technological advancements.