Break Down the Silos and Lead Your Firm's Information Services From the Data
January 31, 2016
Law firms are metrics-driven organizations, and the need for accurate metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) will only continue to increase as law firms answer the client's demands to re-tool service delivery and organizational structure. This need for metrics-driven analysis now extends to the firms' research services, a heretofore last bastion of resistance to technology and measurement.
<i><b>At the Intersection</i></b>Manterruption Redux
January 31, 2016
Last August and September, we published a two-part article on the phenomenon called "manterruption." We commented on some important social research discussing men's pervasive tendency to interrupt women in group meetings or settings where the power stakes were high ("manterruption") and to appropriate women's ideas as their own ("bropropriation"). These posts triggered a torrent of response, some of which was gratifying to us and some of which was pretty bewildering.
<b><i>In the Spotlight:</i></b> Relocation Clauses
January 31, 2016
Many landlords are faced with a dilemma when signing a deal with a small tenant. What if a larger tenant wants to lease a large block of space and a smaller tenant is already leasing some of the space that the larger tenant needs? To cover this situation, many landlords require a relocation provision to be inserted into the leases it enters into with small tenants.
How to Use Mobility To Create Maximum Business Value for Legal Research
January 31, 2016
Today, everything seems mobile. Legal professionals have been slightly less hurried to embrace the wonders of mobility as a part of their work. Certainly, they use mobile devices and apps in their personal life just like everybody else, but because of tradition and habit, many have been hesitant to adopt these things as part of their working lives. However, this is changing ' and in some cases dramatically.
The Essentials of Collaboration Agreements for Literary Works
January 31, 2016
While all creative collaborations have features in common, there's a uniquely intimate and trusting nature of the relationship between someone (the subject) whose story interests the public, and a writer engaged by him or her to put that story, either jointly or singly, into concrete form (the writer).