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Contracting with Minors
November 02, 2015
One of the fundamental principles of U.S. contract law is that a party must have the capacity to enter into a contract in order to be bound. Minors, as a general rule, lack this capacity. As a result, any contract made with a minor might not be enforceable. Yet in certain circumstances, contracts with minors are commonplace. The following identifies some risks, some mitigating solutions and the limitations of those solutions when contracting with a minor.
Protecting Your Company's Data from Security Breaches
November 02, 2015
This article explores some steps counsel can take to protect their organizations from a data breach, and how counsel can proactively help to mitigate any adverse impact in the unfortunate event a data breach occurs.
The Art of Cyberwarfare
November 02, 2015
Cybersecurity is at a crossroads. No longer resigned to the confines of server rooms overseen by information technology, decisions regarding the protection of data have been forced into the boardroom by events that include breaches at main street businesses and revelations of clandestine government hacking activities.
Attacking the Electronic Medical Record
November 02, 2015
The electronic age has paved the way for speedy retrieval of medical records. But the problem is that the electronic record is only as good as the individuals who input the information into the record itself.
Data Sharing In the Cloud
November 02, 2015
Storing and sharing data "in the cloud" has become, in many instances, a business necessity. The practical and economic advantages of cloud computing are clear ' it eliminates the need to send client data via traditional, costly methods, and is significantly less expensive than building and maintaining the same data storage capacity in-house.
Court Watch
November 02, 2015
Franchisees and Dealers Should Plead Causation In Actions Against the Government <br>Michigan Court Transfers Case Brought By 41 Franchisees to Franchisor's Home State
How to Fix Reputational Harm
November 02, 2015
The speed with which negative Internet postings spread can cause immediate reputational harm. To remedy this harm, the nature and extent of the damage must be quantified, which is no easy task. However, new digital tools can now be used to assess and quantify damage caused by these kinds of negative Internet postings.
Managing Security Risks During Labor Disputes
November 02, 2015
Every company with union workers faces the risk of a labor dispute. Identifying any business risks and then managing them is a priority for executive decision-makers who must ensure that the company delivers its promises to stockholders, customers and employees. The process is well defined in business terms:
The Ethical Duty to Be Competent in Technology and eDiscovery
November 02, 2015
Lawyers understand that they have an ethical duty to remain competent in the law and its practice. But far fewer are aware that an emerging body of legal-ethics rules and opinions say that lawyers also have a duty to be competent in relevant technology.
<b><i>Online Extra:</b></i> NJ Legislature Moves on Cybersecurity Bill
October 06, 2015
The New Jersey Legislature on Oct. 5 began taking steps toward increasing its ability to combat cybercrime.