District Court Refuses to Disrupt Employer's Hiring Decision
August 02, 2015
Discrimination claims based upon an employer's failure to promote or hire remain among the more difficult claims for employees. Employees seeking to demonstrate discriminatory animus must demonstrate both comparable qualifications to the selected candidate and pretext in the decision-making process.
Data Sharing in the Cloud
August 02, 2015
Storing and sharing data "in the cloud" has become, in many instances, a business necessity. The practical and economic advantages of cloud computing are clear ' it eliminates the need to send client data via traditional, costly methods, and is significantly less expensive than building and maintaining the same data storage capacity in-house.
Collateral Descriptions and Blanket Liens
August 02, 2015
Describing the collateral for an all-assets lien intuitively might seem easy. However, getting collateral descriptions correct under the rules of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) has challenged secured lenders for decades, and all-assets liens are no exception. A look at two recent cases.
Underground Storage Tanks
August 02, 2015
There are over a half-million underground storage tanks in the U.S. containing petroleum or other substances that are subject to federal regulation. This is in addition to the countless underground and above-ground tanks storing heating oil or other substances that are not subject to federal oversight. This article presents a regulatory overview and discusses coverage issues.
Cooperatives & Condominiums
August 02, 2015
The purchaser of a cooperative apartment at a non-judicial foreclosure sale faces an uphill battle to regain possession of the property from an unwilling prior owner. Here's why. Also, a look at an action by a co-op unit owner against the co-op for trespass, conversion, and breach of the covenant of quiet enjoyment.
Real Property Law
August 02, 2015
Litigation involving a forgery claim; partition and sale; a foreclosure proceeding; restrictive covenants; and recovery of damages for breach of a title insurance policy.
Tackle Billing Now To Avoid a Year-End Surprise
August 02, 2015
Attorneys rarely think about billings and collections in the summer. Instead, those are topics often left to the year-end collections push. By waiting, however, attorneys lose money, assume risks and otherwise miss important red flags for potential problems that can be avoided or resolved.
Easy-to-Use Collection Technology Leads to Lower e-Discovery Costs
August 02, 2015
Corporate legal departments are all about cost control and efficient processes, yet when hit with a new investigation or lawsuit, legal teams often reflexively fall back on the "collect everything" mentality. The emergence of targeted and remote collection technologies now makes it possible for corporations to collect in a legally defensible way that reduces cost and minimizes business disruption.