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Crackdown on Offshore Tax Evasion Not Slowing Down
June 02, 2015
The DOJ Tax Division and the IRS have been ramping up an intense crackdown on offshore tax evasion, and the IRS's reduced resources due to new budget cuts is having no effect on IRS enforcement initiatives in this area.
Drawing the Line Between Fact- and Expert-Witness Testimony
June 02, 2015
As is often the case in product liability lawsuits, the recent bellwether trial in the Risperdal litigation involved several disputes about the admissibility of expert testimony. However, one such dispute is notable because the "expert" testimony in question was actually from a fact witness.
Tips for Investors: Don't Lock Out Unionized Targets
June 02, 2015
There's something about the idea of dealing with unions that just plain intimidates investors. Both financial and strategic investors often instinctively reject the idea of acquiring unionized companies. This can be a mistake.
International Design Patent Filing Considerations After U.S. Entry into the Hague Agreement
June 02, 2015
Effective May 13, 2015, applicants can file international design patent applications in a single, standardized application via the USPTO designating any of more than 62 territories, including the U.S. and European Union (EU), and can receive the same effective filing date in each jurisdiction. This important opportunity comes as the U.S. accedes to the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement.
Public-Private Partnerships
June 02, 2015
Public-private partnerships (P3s) have been gaining increased favor in the U.S. as a way for the public sector to harness the expertise and efficiencies of the private sector in meeting the infrastructure and social needs of local and state governments. Here are some tips for in--house counsel.
The 2015 Employer Mandate Is Here
June 02, 2015
The year 2015 is already half over ' which means that the Affordable Care Act's (ACA) employer "play or pay" mandate, which has been delayed, in total or in part, twice, is very much in play. On July 2, 2013, the Administration delayed the employer mandate for employers with more than 50 employees until 2015. Then on Feb. 10, 2014, the Administration extended time to provide health insurance to full-time employees to certain employers.
Fighting to Win: A General Counsel's Perspective on Retaining Outside Counsel
June 02, 2015
Myriad lawsuits are brought on behalf of consumers who allege that buyers of various food and beverage products are harmed because they consume products with labels promoting specific attributes or claims such as "better for you" or "all natural." How do you retain outside counsel?
Long-Awaited Guidance on L-1B Visa Category Released
June 02, 2015
The highly anticipated draft Policy Memorandum (L-1B Memo) addressing the qualifying criteria for the L-1B visa category was released by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on March 24, giving immigration practitioners and employers clear guidance on the definition of "specialized knowledge" and the standard of review USCIS adjudicators should apply when evaluating L-1B petitions.
How to Successfully Integrate Lateral Partners
June 02, 2015
There are two ways lateral partner recruiting can grow the revenues of a law firm. The first is through the acquisition of additional client relationships brought to the firm by the lateral partner. The second is the added work generated by the lateral partner serving more of the legal needs of the firm's existing clientele.
Browse, Click, Sign, Enforce?
June 02, 2015
Signing, dating and keeping a record of a paper contract are standard practice ' but what about those that are native to websites, mobile apps and other digital platforms, and use such language as "Terms of Use," "Terms of Service," "Privacy Policies" and disclaimers? How do you track who is agreeing to what and when they agreed?