The New Hybrid Standard for Appellate Review in Claim Construction
February 28, 2015
The Federal Circuit has long maintained that it is entitled to review a claim construction decision <i>de novo</i>, without deference to the district court. Over the years, this approach has led to a notably high reversal rate of district court claim construction decisions. This "two bites at the apple" approach remained controversial, and on Jan. 20, 2015, the Supreme Court rejected this blanket policy of <i>de novo</i> review in favor of a hybrid approach.
What to Do When an Entertainment Industry Licensee or Licensor Files for Bankruptcy
February 28, 2015
Legal uncertainty abounds for entertainment industry licensees and licensors when their license counterparties enter the murky waters of bankruptcy. When a licensor hits the skids, a licensee's two primary concerns should include: 1) whether the protections afforded by Bankruptcy Code '365(n) are available if the debtor-licensor rejects the license; and 2) protecting its rights if the debtor-licensor seeks to sell the intellectual property. By contrast, when a licensee considers filing for bankruptcy, it must consider whether it can assume or assign the license.
2016 Budget Targets Retirement
February 28, 2015
Last month, the Obama Administration's Fiscal Year 2016 Budget was published, along with the Department of Treasury's Greenbook, a detailed explanation of the President's proposed budget. Because the proposed legislation must pass a Republican led Congress, the President's budget may be "aspirational." It is a good indicator of the tools the Administration is prepared to use to fund its wish list.
Raising the Stakes
February 28, 2015
The government has become increasingly aggressive in pursuing criminal claims not only against corporations, but also against in-house counsel and compliance personnel, for conduct once treated almost exclusively as civil.
Cruise Ship Operator Not Insulated from Responsibility for Health Care Provider
February 28, 2015
Breaking with longstanding precedent, the Eleventh Circuit recently concluded that previous case law holding cruise ship operators blameless for the negligence of their onboard medical personnel is based on outdated norms. This decision may have far-reaching consequences for shipboard medical malpractice claimants and their representatives.
Family Law in Texas
February 28, 2015
The most-asked questions about family law in Texas are answered by an expert.