January 31, 2015
A case in which a challenge to a positive SEQRA determination was not ripe.
Law Firm Leaders Struggle with Setting Firmwide Rates
January 31, 2015
Rate-setting has proven a bit vexing for firm leaders as they grapple with setting rates in an era where firms span multiple markets and practice concentrations, clients aren't willing to pay the published rates, and alternative fee deals are a growing part of firm revenue.
Laying a Foundation for Integrated e-Discovery Systems
January 31, 2015
Typically, the production of data in litigation involves a series of disconnected actions involving several corporate or cloud-based systems. These disassociated e-discovery activities ' identify, preserve, collect, and track (IPCT) ' are then feed into a downstream set of processing, review, and production (PRP) steps often hosted outside the corporate firewall. Fortunately, technology advances are helping counsel and client alike to integrate systems and streamline processes both inside and across the firewall.
Special Needs Families in Divorce
January 31, 2015
When parents of special needs children experience a divorce, family law attorneys are in a unique position: Not only can they handle the divorce proceedings, but they can also steer their clients toward a plan for maintaining or establishing valuable Medicaid benefits.
The Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014
January 31, 2015
On Dec. 19, 2014, the President signed into law the long-awaited year-end tax package, the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 (TIPA). This law extended to the end of 2014 many but not all of the individual, business, and energy provisions that expired at the end of 2013. .
LinkedIn: Your To-Do List
January 31, 2015
"I'm a creature of routine," a successful law firm partner told the author. "If I only had a list of things to do on LinkedIn, I know I could get those tasks completed on a daily basis. I just don't know what to do." Here is a list of things to do.
A Different Kind of Fee-Shifting Contract Clause
January 31, 2015
Contracts often include a fee-shifting provision based on who ultimately prevails in a lawsuit. The idea, of course, is both to deter marginal litigation and, in all circumstances, to provide the prevailing party with compensation for the substantial fees and expenses that often attend litigation.
Court Watch
January 31, 2015
Rare Franchisee Judicial Victory Sets Dangerous Precedent for Franchisors