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Drug & Device News
October 02, 2014
A case involving trade secrets and the public's right to know.
Upcoming Event
October 02, 2014
TexasBarCLE 24th Annual Entertainment Law Institute
Business Crimes Hotline
October 02, 2014
A look at a pivotal case.
October 02, 2014
A case involving a neighbor's challenge to a variance
Our Editor to Receive Texas Bar Award
October 02, 2014
We are pleased to announce that <i>Entertainment Law &amp; Finance</i> Editor-in-Chief, Stan Soocher, has been named the 2014 recipient of the Texas Bar Association Entertainment Law Institute's "Texas Star Award."
Decisions of Interest
October 02, 2014
Review of a case in which a husband was estopped from claiming that marital assets need distribution.
Bit Parts
October 02, 2014
California Right of Publicity Claims Can Be Assigned<br>Invasion of Privacy Suit Against Greenberg Glusker Law Firm Found Time-Barred<br>Whither the Transformative Use Defense in Copyright Infringement Cases?
Patent Reform Is Coming, but Not From Congress
October 02, 2014
It's well established that the number of lawsuits filed by patent trolls in the last decade has increased dramatically. This increase comes at considerable expense to defendants of all stripes. But as widely reviled as this trend may be among operating companies that often find themselves as defendants in patent troll litigation, legislation that would curb this practice has made little progress.
In the Marketplace
October 02, 2014
Who's going where; who's doing what.
Compliance, Ethics and the Multi-generational Workforce
October 02, 2014
This article outlines two key tactics for effectively executing and nurturing a strong workplace compliance and ethics strategy. The first is fostering employee engagement. The second involves deploying the right technology tools to drive and support this.