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Internet Law in a Trump Presidency Image

Internet Law in a Trump Presidency

Samar Ali

President Trump is already being pressured to reverse President Obama's Open Internet Order (also known as “net neutrality”) and take an aggressive stance against it. It remains to be seen how President Trump will balance the call for privacy regulations amidst our country's vulnerability to cyber-attacks.


Practical Approaches to the EU-US Privacy Shield Image

Practical Approaches to the EU-US Privacy Shield

Dan Panitz & H. Bruce Gordon

This article discusses the corporate impact of the EU-US Privacy Shield and practical approaches to managing global corporate data in the wake of <i>Schrems</i>.


In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy Image

In Light of Recent FTC Actions, Review Your Privacy Policy

Devika Kornbacher, Scott Breedlove, Janice Ta & Aislinn Affinito

The United States does not have comprehensive legislation addressing the privacy implications of the collection and use of geolocation data. However, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has used its enforcement authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act to regulate companies engaged in unfair or deceptive practices involving geolocation data.


What Lawyers Can Learn from Uber, Redux Image

What Lawyers Can Learn from Uber, Redux


Lawyers need to know what the client wants and how to get them there before the process starts. Just like a driver who doesn't know exactly where he's taking his riders, a lawyer who isn't totally sure what a client wants — let alone how to get them there efficiently and effectively — is likely to end up with a client who is disgruntled.


Estate Planning for the Digital Afterlife Image

Estate Planning for the Digital Afterlife

Patrice P. Jean & Vanessa Ann Woods

This article discusses the importance of accounting for digital assets in an estate plan, provides practical considerations for handling their disposition after death, and describes the current state of the law for the handling of digital assets after death.


<i>Online Extra</i> <br>Are Google's Confidentiality Agreements Illegal? Image

<i>Online Extra</i> <br>Are Google's Confidentiality Agreements Illegal?

Kristen Rasmussen

A current Google Inc. employee has sued the tech giant over its rules for protecting confidential information, alleging they prohibit workers from whistleblowing or even just complaining to their spouse about their boss. Employment lawyers say that if the allegations in the complaint are true — a big if, of course — Google's rules may well be overly restrictive.


Why the DMCA Needs to Be Modernized Image

Why the DMCA Needs to Be Modernized

Viroopax Mirji & Sunil Gregory

It has been 18 years since the DMCA was signed into law. It was created to balance the security and rights of copyright holders with the growing influence of digital communications. But today it is facing serious criticism about its usefulness from every key stakeholder — creators, distributors and consumers alike.


Estate Planning for the Digital Afterlife Image

Estate Planning for the Digital Afterlife

Patrice P. Jean & Vanessa Ann Woods

As more Americans establish personal email accounts, social media accounts, and other electronic accounts, these “digital assets” are becoming an increasingly vital estate-planning consideration. The failure to consider how to dispose of digital assets in an individual's estate plan could result in later complexities following the individual's death.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Twitter Faces Surge of Securities Suits Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Twitter Faces Surge of Securities Suits

Ben Hancock

The company was hit with the latest in a string of lawsuits alleging that the social media company misled investors about the growth of its user base, and that senior executives raked in hundreds of millions of dollars by selling their stock before the market learned about it.


<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Suit Says Facebook Ad Tool Discriminates Against Minorities Seeking Jobs, Housing Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i><br>Suit Says Facebook Ad Tool Discriminates Against Minorities Seeking Jobs, Housing

Ross Todd

Facebook has been hit with a lawsuit claiming that it violates federal anti-discrimination laws for housing and employment by allowing advertisers to exclude certain groups on the basis of race, gender or religion in social media ads.

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