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How to Make Paid Digital Effective for Post-COVID-19 Law Firm Marketing Image

How to Make Paid Digital Effective for Post-COVID-19 Law Firm Marketing

Josh Merkin

After spending the last six to eight weeks in COVID-crisis mode, most firms are now eyeing a move toward business recovery. This means that it is also now time for law firms to reevaluate their marketing strategies to ensure they are aligned to support business goals in this new climate. One overlooked area that law firms should consider adding to their marketing arsenal is digital paid media.


A 3-Step Formula to Maximize Your Social Media Effectiveness Image

A 3-Step Formula to Maximize Your Social Media Effectiveness

Spencer Smith

The Ben Franklin Strategy Benjamin Franklin will never know this, but he gave us the only social media strategy we need: "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." In the middle of the COVID-19 health crisis, there's never been a better time for a legal marketing professional to look for the good she or he can highlight within their communities, within their firms or companies, or for individual people.


French Law on Removing Objectionable Online Content Rejected As Too Broad Image

French Law on Removing Objectionable Online Content Rejected As Too Broad

Anne Bagamery

A new French law that would have required such social media platforms as Facebook to take down objectionable content within 24 hours has been rejected by France's Constitutional Council as a disproportionate response to the proliferation of hate speech online.

Columns & Departments

Bit Parts Image

Bit Parts

Stan Soocher

Right of Publicity Laws Don't Pierce CDA Immunity Shield Second Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Wolf of Wall Street Defamation Suit


Putting the "Social" Back into Social Media: Helping Attorneys Connect with Others Image

Putting the "Social" Back into Social Media: Helping Attorneys Connect with Others

Jaimie B. Field

Most attorneys are expecting social media to be a panacea to bring in new clients during this incredibly unusual time in our history. As marketing and business development professionals and coaches, we know we have to teach our attorneys that, like any other marketing and business development tactic, there is no magic bullet. But that by using social media, it will help them create attention and assist in building relationships.


Judge Warns Facebook in Approving Record $5B Fine for Alleged Privacy Violations Image

Judge Warns Facebook in Approving Record $5B Fine for Alleged Privacy Violations

Jacqueline Thomsen

The Judge Pointed Out that Some FTC Commissioners Wanted to Specifically Sanction Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg for the Company Sharing Private User Data With Outside Parties A federal judge in Washington, DC, signed off on a record $5 billion fine imposed by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission on Facebook for allegedly violating federal law and a previous order with its privacy practices.


Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word, Even When It's the Right One Image

Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word, Even When It's the Right One

Carlos Arcos

In this era of social media and a 24-hour news cycle, each day seems to bring a fresh story of PR missteps, whether it be a brand, organization or high-profile individual. Although you may feel you've read enough about these latest public relations nightmares, one area on which you might want to focus is the importance of an apology.


Photo Cases Test Copyright Law and Embedded Tweets Image

Photo Cases Test Copyright Law and Embedded Tweets

Raychel Lean

A New Yorker who settled a copyright lawsuit against several news outlets over a photo he took of star quarterback Tom Brady and Boston Celtics manager Danny Ainge has struck again. This time he's suing a radio station owner in Florida federal courts in a case that could test the boundaries of an emerging area of copyright law, raising major questions about how media companies incorporate social media posts into online stories.


Podcasts Are the New Black for Law Firm Business Development Image

Podcasts Are the New Black for Law Firm Business Development

Gina Rubel 

Before jumping into the podcast foray, law firm leaders must think strategically about podcasting as a tool for marketing and business development. Resources, bandwidth and buy-in are needed to produce a successful podcast — along with patience as podcasting success is determined by long-term results.


Digital Dive: 9 Best Practices for Blogging that Gets You New Business Image

Digital Dive: 9 Best Practices for Blogging that Gets You New Business

Larry Bodine

Becoming a renowned expert in your field will bring you the best files from the most profitable clients — and the shortest path to becoming a thought leader is to write a blog.

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