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TTAB Allows for Non-User to Oppose Trademark for Reputational Injury Image

TTAB Allows for Non-User to Oppose Trademark for Reputational Injury

Nicole D. Galli & Laura Talley Geyer

In a recent case, although finding no standing in the case in front of it, a federal court noted that it was, however, possible that a nonuser could demonstrate entitlement to cancel or oppose by establishing either lost sales in the United States or reputational injury in the United States under the Lanham Act.


Trademark Ruling on Netflix Running Point Series Holds Off ‘Death Knell’ of Rogers Tradition Image

Trademark Ruling on Netflix Running Point Series Holds Off ‘Death Knell’ of Rogers Tradition

Michelle Morgante

A federal judge in California declined to stop the debut of the new Netflix series Running Point that Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA, claims infringes on its trademarks by using the mascot name, the “Waves,” and colors of the private Christian college.


Sending a Shot Across the Brow: Drafting An Effective Trademark Demand Letter Image

Sending a Shot Across the Brow: Drafting An Effective Trademark Demand Letter

Nate Garhart

At the end of the day, demand letters form an important part of a company's trademark enforcement strategy. But they must be just that — a part of a fully developed reasoned strategy rather than a knee-jerk reaction to perceived infringement. And that strategy will require some investigation and research to help ensure success.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & George Soussou

Federal Circuit: PTAB Jurisdiction Exists Over Expired PatentsFederal Circuit: No Estoppel on Unadjudicated Claims


Berry Bad Outcomes: Millions at Stake for Dewberry Group, Inc. Image

Berry Bad Outcomes: Millions at Stake for Dewberry Group, Inc.

Howard Shire & Di’Vennci K. Lucas

Last June, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari to decide a $43 million suit between two real estate developers over the name “Dewberry.” The crux of the case once it reached SCOTUS is the extent to which courts can award the profits, not of the named defendant, but of the defendant’s affiliate for trademark infringement.


Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Customers: Developments on ‘Conquesting’ from the Ninth Circuit Image

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Customers: Developments on ‘Conquesting’ from the Ninth Circuit

Howard Shire & Di’Vennci K. Lucas

In a recent decision, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit addressed the issue of whether purchasing market competitors’ search engine keyword terms, known as “conquesting,” constitutes trademark infringement.


Knockoffs: Are They Always Infringing? Image

Knockoffs: Are They Always Infringing?

Steven D. Lustig

When something is referred to as a "knockoff" it typically implies that the knockoff product is similar in appearance to an earlier product and is unlawful. But that is not always the case. Indeed, there can be infringing knockoffs and noninfringing knockoffs. It depends on the facts and circumstances. To appreciate the difference, a look into the general rules and some specific cases is needed.


Ex Parte Trademark Appeals to District Court — Lessons Learned from the Front Lines Image

Ex Parte Trademark Appeals to District Court — Lessons Learned from the Front Lines

Christopher P. Bussert & Jonathan E. Moskin

Although pursuit of an appeal to the Federal Circuit may under some circumstances prove to be quicker and less expensive, appeals to district courts are becoming increasingly attractive given recent changes in the law and USPTO practice in defending these actions.


Truth-in-Music-Advertising Law Provides No Private Right of Action to Music Groups Image

Truth-in-Music-Advertising Law Provides No Private Right of Action to Music Groups

Stan Soocher

As for the Truth-in-Music-Advertising law in this case of first impression, band-name rights holders will have to wait for state counsel to act in order to seek remedies provided by the statute.

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IP News

Howard Sire & Di'Vennci K. Lucas

'Polaroid' and Online Self-Promotion: A Cautionary Tale

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