
The Impact of the Supreme Court's Goldsmith Decision on Copyright Enforcement Against AI Tools
The U.S. Supreme Court's opinion in Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith sent ripples through the legal and artistic communities. Months later, legal scholars and art journalists continue to debate whether the decision opens the door for federal courts to act as "art critics." Many, however, downplay how the Supreme Court's decision impacts the ways in which copyright owners may enforce their rights against generative AI tools.

SCOTUS: Courts Should Avoid Assigning 'Breathtaking' Scope to White-Collar Crime Statutes
The Supreme Court's Dubin decision is another worthy entrant in the long running series of SCOTUS decisions applying judicial restraints where prosecutors seem unable to restrain themselves.

Supreme Court's 'Bad Spaniels' Decision Didn't Overturn Rogers, But …
In a win for trademark holders, the U.S. Supreme Court offered a narrow ruling in the dispute involving "dog toys and whiskey."

Understanding the Supreme Court Cases that Didn't Destroy the Internet: 'Gonzalez v. Google' and 'Twitter v. Taamneh'
The Internet is still standing, but the Supreme Court's reasoning in the Gonzalez opinion remains perplexing. Gonzalez and Taamneh are a story about how the Supreme Court "saved" the Internet from itself, and the Court needed both cases to do so.

The Problem With Sup. Ct. Majority Opinion In Andy Warhol Foundation
Commentary The high court's decision's future application is anything but clear and clarification of the parameters of a "transformative" fair use is left open for another day.

Supreme Court's Slack Ruling Could Curb 'Direct Listings' IPO Alternative
Messaging company Slack Technologies scored a unanimous victory in the U.S. Supreme Court last month, which held that an investor suing over a company stock offering must show he held "registered" securities in the company.
The First Amendment and the Lanham Act At the Supreme Court
In March, the Supreme Court heard a blockbuster trademark case with significant implications for trademark law. After argument, reversal seems likely as questioning from the justices suggests that a long-standing precedent is unlikely to survive unscathed. But the Court also indicated concern over the broader implications of this case in the arts, entertainment, and publishing. Here's what you need to know about Jack Daniel's v. VIP Products.

Acquitted-Conduct Sentencing: A Quagmire Neither the Supreme Court Nor the U.S. Sentencing Commission Can Continue to Avoid
It has been common knowledge to criminal practitioners for years that a criminal defendant's sentence for a crime which they have been convicted can be increased based on consideration of conduct that the jury acquitted. This outcome can make a partial acquittal in federal court into a pyrrhic victory.

Rule 10b-5 Liability: The Second Circuit and 'Lorenzo'
Part Two of a Three-Part Article This three-part series discusses the Second Circuit's recent Securities law landmark case, S.E.C. v. Rio Tinto. However, in order to discuss Rio Tinto, it is important to first understand the Supreme Court landmark cases upon which Rio Tinto is based: Janus Capital Group, Inc. v. First Derivative Trader, discussed in the first installment, and S.E.C v. Lorenzo, discussed here.

Innocent Business Partner's Fraud Liability Survives Bankruptcy
The decision by the Supreme Court has practical significance for corporate officers and others in an agency or partnership relationship, and also may have serious consequences for corporate Chapter 11 debtors whenever a "domestic governmental unit" is a creditor.
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