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Affinity groups are groups that are sponsored and supported by an organization and consist of people with a common set of characteristics. Common affinity groups in larger law firms include ones involving women attorneys; attorneys of color; reduced-schedule attorneys; and people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender ('GLBT'). Affinity groups are effective tools that organizations have used successfully to improve retention and promotion, and to enhance recruiting efforts. Affinity groups that 'support the attorneys and provide outlets and channels of communication with senior management' are also considered diversity best practices (The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Statement of Diversity Principles, Diversity Practices).
Utilizing an Affinity Group
Affinity groups may have a material, positive impact on retention in a number of key ways. This article discusses four tactical uses of affinity groups that improve retention of key affinity group members: creating community, targeted professional development, effective two-way communication, and positive public profile.
Creating Community
Affinity groups quite naturally create the ability to form communities. Many diverse attorneys are isolated, for example, by being the only person like them in their practice group or by having no one more senior than they are in their specialty to use as a role model. Bringing similar people together from across an organization allows the group to create a community, encourages informal mentoring, and begins the process of establishing and maintaining critical mass. Social and professional ties can be established and enhanced.
Targeted Professional Development
Retention is also enhanced by targeted professional development, and affinity groups serve as an effective vehicle for delivering access to such skill-building opportunities. There are a variety of ways in which this goal can be achieved. Some affinity groups have sponsored events where speakers discuss topics of particular interest to the members of the affinity group. Other affinity groups have utilized a portion of their budget to create workshops where their members can acquire and enhance necessary success skills.
Effective Two-Way Communication
One of the most effective ways in which affinity groups can be utilized by both the organization and the members of the group is effective two-way communication. The affinity group, without fears of retribution against any individual, can communicate issues or opportunities that the group has identified, as well as potential action plans to deal with the issues or take advantage of the opportunities. The affinity group can also provide a forum for the leaders of the organization to disseminate information in an efficient and effective fashion.
Public Profile
Affinity groups can use their budget, power, and influence to create positive public profiles for the members of the group and the organization. One way in which affinity groups have been successful in this endeavor is by hosting client events. For example, a law firm's women's affinity group hosts a spa day for its women partners and clients. They get to know each other, the 'face' of the firm changes for that client, relationships are strengthened, and business increases.
Another way that affinity groups have been successfully utilized to create a positive public profile is when they become issue champions for their organization. The affinity group is in probably the best position to advise its organization as to which outside activities are worthwhile and likely to achieve the organization's goals in a targeted community. For example, the GLBT affinity group is in a great position to advise its organization on which GLBT events, activities, and groups would allow the organization to be effective and efficient in achieving its desired profile in the GLBT community.
One final way in which an affinity group can assist the organization and its members in creating positive visibility is by supporting its members' activities and leadership in outside professional organizations. For example, the affinity group can provide monetary and in-kind support of its member who is elected to lead the Hispanic National Bar Association, giving both the individual and the organization a positive profile. In addition, the affinity group can work to position other members so that they succeed to leadership roles and can take advantage of spotlight opportunities offered by others' leadership roles.
How can affinity groups positively impact retention? Creating a sense of community and a forum where specific issues impacting members of the affinity group can safely be explored is vital to retention. Even more important is an effective communication vehicle where information can be shared and acted upon. This combination allows members of the affinity group to feel as if they own the organization and have a stake in its success. Investing in individuals' personal and professional development is also an essential piece of the puzzle of retention; the organization needs to make a consistent investment in its people and their ability to be ready for promotion. Finally, creating a positive profile for your affinity group members is a win-win-win. It's good for the individual in terms of personal gravitas; it's good for the organization in terms of the 'face' it has in the community; and it improves the likelihood of retaining key people.
Creating an Affinity Group
How do you create an effective affinity group? There are a number of key elements necessary to accomplish this goal. First, the group must be created by members of the group, not the firm's management. Second, senior people must lead the group. Junior people will be essential to the success of the affinity group, but if the more senior members of the group are not involved, the group cannot attain all of the goals discussed in this article. Third, the programming of the group must be strategic to the firm and to the participants. Fourth, the leadership of the firm must strongly and consistently support the group. Fifth, the group must develop and strategically utilize a budget. Sixth, the business case for the affinity group must be clearly communicated to the firm. Finally, the activities of the affinity group should be communicated internally and externally.
Affinity groups are a readily available tool that can efficiently improve recruitment, retention, and promotion of members of the affinity group. The most important factors in the success of any affinity group in a firm are leadership, both of the affinity group and at the firm, and relevance. An organization that creates and maintains effective affinity groups facilitates its strategic goal of retaining the right people.
Jane DiRenzo Pigott practiced law for more than two decades before founding R3 Group LLC. She is currently managing director of R3 Group, which specializes in leadership and change in connection with diversity. She can be reached at [email protected].
Affinity groups are groups that are sponsored and supported by an organization and consist of people with a common set of characteristics. Common affinity groups in larger law firms include ones involving women attorneys; attorneys of color; reduced-schedule attorneys; and people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender ('GLBT'). Affinity groups are effective tools that organizations have used successfully to improve retention and promotion, and to enhance recruiting efforts. Affinity groups that 'support the attorneys and provide outlets and channels of communication with senior management' are also considered diversity best practices (The Association of the Bar of the City of
Utilizing an Affinity Group
Affinity groups may have a material, positive impact on retention in a number of key ways. This article discusses four tactical uses of affinity groups that improve retention of key affinity group members: creating community, targeted professional development, effective two-way communication, and positive public profile.
Creating Community
Affinity groups quite naturally create the ability to form communities. Many diverse attorneys are isolated, for example, by being the only person like them in their practice group or by having no one more senior than they are in their specialty to use as a role model. Bringing similar people together from across an organization allows the group to create a community, encourages informal mentoring, and begins the process of establishing and maintaining critical mass. Social and professional ties can be established and enhanced.
Targeted Professional Development
Retention is also enhanced by targeted professional development, and affinity groups serve as an effective vehicle for delivering access to such skill-building opportunities. There are a variety of ways in which this goal can be achieved. Some affinity groups have sponsored events where speakers discuss topics of particular interest to the members of the affinity group. Other affinity groups have utilized a portion of their budget to create workshops where their members can acquire and enhance necessary success skills.
Effective Two-Way Communication
One of the most effective ways in which affinity groups can be utilized by both the organization and the members of the group is effective two-way communication. The affinity group, without fears of retribution against any individual, can communicate issues or opportunities that the group has identified, as well as potential action plans to deal with the issues or take advantage of the opportunities. The affinity group can also provide a forum for the leaders of the organization to disseminate information in an efficient and effective fashion.
Public Profile
Affinity groups can use their budget, power, and influence to create positive public profiles for the members of the group and the organization. One way in which affinity groups have been successful in this endeavor is by hosting client events. For example, a law firm's women's affinity group hosts a spa day for its women partners and clients. They get to know each other, the 'face' of the firm changes for that client, relationships are strengthened, and business increases.
Another way that affinity groups have been successfully utilized to create a positive public profile is when they become issue champions for their organization. The affinity group is in probably the best position to advise its organization as to which outside activities are worthwhile and likely to achieve the organization's goals in a targeted community. For example, the GLBT affinity group is in a great position to advise its organization on which GLBT events, activities, and groups would allow the organization to be effective and efficient in achieving its desired profile in the GLBT community.
One final way in which an affinity group can assist the organization and its members in creating positive visibility is by supporting its members' activities and leadership in outside professional organizations. For example, the affinity group can provide monetary and in-kind support of its member who is elected to lead the Hispanic National Bar Association, giving both the individual and the organization a positive profile. In addition, the affinity group can work to position other members so that they succeed to leadership roles and can take advantage of spotlight opportunities offered by others' leadership roles.
How can affinity groups positively impact retention? Creating a sense of community and a forum where specific issues impacting members of the affinity group can safely be explored is vital to retention. Even more important is an effective communication vehicle where information can be shared and acted upon. This combination allows members of the affinity group to feel as if they own the organization and have a stake in its success. Investing in individuals' personal and professional development is also an essential piece of the puzzle of retention; the organization needs to make a consistent investment in its people and their ability to be ready for promotion. Finally, creating a positive profile for your affinity group members is a win-win-win. It's good for the individual in terms of personal gravitas; it's good for the organization in terms of the 'face' it has in the community; and it improves the likelihood of retaining key people.
Creating an Affinity Group
How do you create an effective affinity group? There are a number of key elements necessary to accomplish this goal. First, the group must be created by members of the group, not the firm's management. Second, senior people must lead the group. Junior people will be essential to the success of the affinity group, but if the more senior members of the group are not involved, the group cannot attain all of the goals discussed in this article. Third, the programming of the group must be strategic to the firm and to the participants. Fourth, the leadership of the firm must strongly and consistently support the group. Fifth, the group must develop and strategically utilize a budget. Sixth, the business case for the affinity group must be clearly communicated to the firm. Finally, the activities of the affinity group should be communicated internally and externally.
Affinity groups are a readily available tool that can efficiently improve recruitment, retention, and promotion of members of the affinity group. The most important factors in the success of any affinity group in a firm are leadership, both of the affinity group and at the firm, and relevance. An organization that creates and maintains effective affinity groups facilitates its strategic goal of retaining the right people.
Jane DiRenzo Pigott practiced law for more than two decades before founding R3 Group LLC. She is currently managing director of R3 Group, which specializes in leadership and change in connection with diversity. She can be reached at [email protected].
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