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The Power of a Professional Video

By Laura Seltzer-Duny
January 31, 2016

Put yourself in a perspective client's shoes. You're in a bind and need a lawyer. What's the first thing you do? You ask someone you trust for a recommendation and visit the lawyer's website to learn more about him or her before making an initial call or appointment.

What's the next thing you do? You try to assess which individual at the firm will best suit your needs by clicking on the legal team profiles. Legal team videos have proven to be the most effective digital calling card. They introduce perspective clients to your attorneys before a client walks in the door. Watching video gives them a sense of who you are, what you stand for and if you'll be a good match for him or her.

Firms that are not using online videos are missing out on the most effective way to reach out to potential clients in this digital age. If you're the CMO, you understand the value of using video as part of your marketing mix on your website and social media channels. How do you convey the importance of using this medium when you receive push-back from lawyers who don't want to invest in this high-impact marketing tool, for a variety of reasons? Simple. Share these points with them.

Video Creates Trust and Credibility

Potential clients want to get to know YOU. Videos allow you to talk about what you do as well as the inspiration behind it. Satisfied client testimonial videos are also very effective in establishing trust and credibility. Clients may not want to share their personal situation on camera. However, some satisfied clients will be more than happy to speak to your law firm's and legal team's attributes.

Video Increases Your Website SEO

Video is a great way to get people to your site. It improves your search-engine ranking and helps you get ahead of the competition in the search engine listing. Often, people don't click beyond the first page of their search. Embedding video on the landing page of your site makes it 53% more likely to show up on page 1 of Google and generate traffic to your website. Some algorithms that help increase your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are shorter videos, audience retention, detailed title tags and number of clicks onto additional pages of your website after watching.

Video Generates Traffic and Increases Sales.

It's a great way to improve the quality of your site because it keeps people on your site. The longer they stay on your site, the more likely they will take the next step and reach out to you. Sharing the same video from your website with your social media sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter can increase your website traffic and SEO to a targeted audience.

Video Adds a Personal Touch

When someone needs a lawyer, they want to hire counsel they can trust to share very personal and difficult information. Seeing that a lawyer has the confidence, composure and candor to “put him or herself out there” can mean that he will have those same qualities when working with and representing a client.

Strategically Placed Video Can Have a Long Shelf Life

Once you've created a video (or series of videos) you need a strategic plan so that your target audience sees it. A good marketing strategist studies the trends and can help you decide what kind of video best suits your needs, where you will be able to use it and when it's best to show it.

Videos can be posted on your website, shared on your social networks, shown at events and linked to your e-mail signature, and also aired on TV.

What Type of Video(s) Should You Produce?

In addition to business-owner testimonials, client testimonials, and overview videos, there are several other video genres that are effective in communicating your message. “Day in the life” settlement videos give voice to victims unable to see their day in court due to illness or other factors. Businesses and organizations feature legal experts in corporate compliance videos that advise on the most up-to-date, safe and respectful workplace practices by identifying and avoiding potential liabilities. Public policy videos help get the word out about the changes in legislation and public policy and help influence decision makers. Seminars lead by legal experts can be used in continuing education courses. Event videos and tributes can be shown at dinners honoring special guests.


Professionally produced video makes a great first impression. A professional video producer can help you effectively craft your message points on camera and make sure the lighting, sound quality and backdrop best suits you. Last, skilled professional video editing can make the difference between an OK video and a great one!

Laura Seltzer-Duny, an award-winning PBS documentary video producer, is the owner or, a division of

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