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If you want to grow your practice, it is time to stop hiding behind your LinkedIn page and website profile and stride boldly into the field where real, live clients and referrals sources dwell. It is time to look someone in the eye and shake their hand.
Many of us went to law school to avoid having to become a salesperson and the “schmoozing” that went with it. Times have changed. To be a successful and profitable attorney requires us to pay more attention to the business of law by incorporating business development into our daily routines. That skill set includes becoming adept at networking.
I don't mean keeping in touch through social media resources such as LinkedIn or Twitter. While those have a place in your personal marketing plan, it is important to keep in mind that we are in a profession that values ' thrives on! ' personal relationships. The most effective marketing still occurs when you look someone in the eye and shake their hand. In short, networking.
Networking is an overused word and a frequently misunderstood activity. But it is an integral part of business development with proven effectiveness. Yet networking remains something that many lawyers do not enjoy, try to avoid, and which takes them out of their comfort zone.
Some believe that only extroverts enjoy networking and can be successful at it. These are the same attorneys who dismiss networking as nothing more than “grip and grin,” and believe that the best part of an event is when it is over.
Much of this skepticism and discomfort is based on a lack of understanding of the process. This article outlines what networking really is, how to maximize networking opportunities, and how to overcome the personal demons which get in our way so that you can turn “grip and grin” into growth for your firm.
Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations
Writing in Inc. magazine, author Lou Dubois defines a network as “a group of people who exchange information, contacts, and experience for professional or social purposes,” and networking as “making connections and maintaining relationships.” Well, that seems simple enough.
Where things go wrong is when we put pressure on ourselves to return from every luncheon, cocktail party or trade association meeting with a pocketful of new clients. We end up pressing too hard and driving away the very people to whom we want to get closer.
My advice is to approach every networking event as an opportunity to connect with other participants on a human level. We all enjoy doing business with people we like. So, instead of a hard sell, go in with the goal of meeting and having a conversation with one new person. Get to know him or her as a friend rather than a potential client. You'll find that there will still be plenty of time to touch base with others, including people already in your network.
Overcoming Obstacles
First, let's clear away the dead wood that can clutter up your mind and create barriers to fully entering the networking universe. The most onerous obstacle is the mistaken belief that any time spent on non-billable hours is wasted time. “How can I justify a two-hour breakfast meeting when I should be writing briefs?”
In most firms, compensation is no longer tied exclusively to billable hours. You must also show a contribution to the growth of your firm through business development and marketing. Some legal marketing experts recommend that a partner in a mid-size to large law firm should dedicate a minimum of 200 hours per year to marketing.
Many attorneys have an aversion to “selling” their services or their firm. But networking is not selling. It is low-key relationship-building that can actually help you avoid the need to sell.
Finally, you may not feel you are a “people person,” and are uncomfortable in a face-to-face social interaction. In most cases, that can be overcome with a little preparation and planning, two activities at which lawyers are generally very proficient.
Before You Go
Rushing out of the office to dash over to a late afternoon networking event is a sure way to arrive flustered and ill-suited to being charming and attentive. Treat every networking opportunity like a meeting with an important client, with preparation and research done in advance.
Start by finding out all you can about the nature of the event. Will everyone in attendance be members of the same industry? Or will it be a “mixer” that crosses all trades? Will there be a speaker with time later to network? Or, can you start making connections right away? The more you know going in, the better prepared you'll be to have an intelligent and relevant conversation.
Know the dress code, then dress one level above. Even if the networking event is taking place poolside at a resort, you want to look the part of a professional, not the hired help. When you look good, you feel good and behave accordingly. Don't forget to take an ample supply of business cards and put them in an easily accessible place.
Poll your partners and associates to see if any of them will also be attending, and coordinate your approach. Decide whether you will remain together during the event, or split up to reach out to more people. If you have a client or other business contact who might be attending, reach out in advance with a phone call or e-mail to “schedule” a meet up.
Finally, don't bother to practice what is euphemistically called an “elevator pitch.” You should already have a comfortable handle on what your firm does and the practice areas on which you focus. When asked, “What do you do?” couch your response in terms to which the other person can relate. (“Well Nancy, we help distribution companies like yours to avoid import duty problems.”)
At the Event
For many people, the most challenging part of making contact is beginning and sustaining a conversation. But if you prepare well and have a positive attitude, you will be able to make meaningful contact with people at an event. Remember, everybody else is there to meet people like you. If you take the initiative, you'll find that you can direct a conversation to help gain information and build rapport.
Here's a quick seven-step process to making a good impression.
After the Event
Don't let months go by with a business card sitting on your desk, waiting for the “right time” to reconnect with a new contact. Send an e-mail no later than the next morning, including your contact information, a few words about how happy you were to make their acquaintance, and a heads up that you'll be sending them a LinkedIn connection request (which should be personalized, not the standard default request). Better yet, send a handwritten notecard. That is sure to leave a positive and lasting impression.
Enter your new contact's name into your personal contact list and your firm's CRM database system within 24 hours. Any longer and you'll forget all about it.
Your new contact is now part of your network. Be sure he or she is included in newsletters, notices, event invitations and other communications from the firm. More importantly, keep the connection you have made alive by actively communicating through personal marketing channels such as Linked- In, e-mail and future face-to-face opportunities. Because networking never ends.
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