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Commercial Law


Is Your 401(k) Up to the Task? Image

Is Your 401(k) Up to the Task?

Frank Armstrong, III

A good 401(k) can be a great ally as you prepare for retirement; a lousy plan, on the other hand, could erode your ability to build for a decent and secure retirement. Now is a very good time to make sure your 401(k) plan is up to the challenge.


Retiree Health Care Issues After the Affordable Care Act Image

Retiree Health Care Issues After the Affordable Care Act

Larry Bell

Following implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the funding and providing of promised retiree health benefits has a new series of requirements that must be met by Taft-Hartley retirement plans, employers and plan sponsors.


20/20 Vision for All Lawyers' Future: The Ethical Duty to Stay Technically Competent Image

20/20 Vision for All Lawyers' Future: The Ethical Duty to Stay Technically Competent

Stanley P. Jaskiewicz

How many practicing lawyers today (at least those over the age of 40) studied metadata and data security in law school? How many today can discuss the ethical aspects of those issues? Those skills, and more, are required to practice law, according to resolutions passed in early August by the ABA House of Delegates.


Court Watch Image

Court Watch

Cynthia M. Klaus & Susan E. Tegt

Highlights of the latest franchising cases from around the country.


D&O Insurance Issues in Bankruptcy Image

D&O Insurance Issues in Bankruptcy

Heidi Lawson

In a D&O policy, the definition of "Claim" can significantly affect the scope of coverage. Disputes can arise when the insured, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, files for bankruptcy or becomes insolvent.


Med Mal News Image

Med Mal News

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

An important bill is discussed.


Hospital Captives Image

Hospital Captives

Nicholas S. Gaudiosi

Is the commercial marketplace is a suitable arena to obtain insurance coverage, or are there tipping points that drive business away from these markets and into the hospital captives?


The Community Income Reporting Rule Image

The Community Income Reporting Rule

Mark Schwarz

How to achieve equitable relief under I.R.C. ' 66(c).


Enforcement Remedies to Combat Default Image

Enforcement Remedies to Combat Default

Judith L. Poller & Elizabeth Warner

Unfortunately, the role of attorneys does not end with the entry of a divorce judgment. They are frequently faced with client requests to enforce their rights to receive the assets and/or support awarded in the judgment.


Best Practices for ERISA ' 408(b)(2) Compliance Image

Best Practices for ERISA ' 408(b)(2) Compliance

K. Jennie Kinnevy

To achieve the goals of the new ERISA laws, participants and sponsors will have access to more information which will increase the responsibility of plan sponsors to act upon the information received.

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