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Commercial Law


<b><i>Commentary: </i>Keeping Copyright Preemption on Track</b> Image

<b><i>Commentary: </i>Keeping Copyright Preemption on Track</b>

Schuyler Moore

The bedrock of the film industry is the protection afforded by the Copyright Act, as without it all is for naught ' no one would spend more than a few dollars to make a film if it could not be protected. It is thus necessary for us to jealously guard the proper application of the Copyright Act and we should have qualms when copyright cases go off track. One critical aspect of the Copyright Act is the degree to which it preempts state law.


Digital Music Provider Can Operate During Court Dispute Image

Digital Music Provider Can Operate During Court Dispute

Jan Wolfe

Like most 'legit' digital music services, MediaNet has yet to make a cent in profit. In fact, MediaNet offers a fascinating example of the recording industry's struggles to adapt to the digital age.


Court Watch Image

Court Watch

Michael W. Tyler

Highlights of the latest franchising cases from around the country.


Franchises Now Focus on Health Care Reform's Practical Effect Image

Franchises Now Focus on Health Care Reform's Practical Effect

Kevin Adler

Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has given a green light to implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, franchisors and franchisees are assessing how the law will affect their businesses.


The Green Shopping Center Image

The Green Shopping Center

Richard J. Sobelsohn

The same argument for building or retrofitting sustainable buildings for commercial properties holds for shopping centers. Here's why.


Court Orders Target Internet Companies In Trademark Disputes Image

Court Orders Target Internet Companies In Trademark Disputes

Sheri Qualters

A proposed law to combat digital piracy stalled last year in the face of widespread public opposition, but district courts are embracing its controversial remedies against Internet companies that do business with alleged infringers in trademark cases.


Retired Players' Antitrust Claim Against NFL Is Dismissed Image

Retired Players' Antitrust Claim Against NFL Is Dismissed

Amanda Bronstad

A federal judge dismissed an antitrust action brought on behalf of retired professional football players who accused the National Football League of monopolizing the market for DVDs, videos and films featuring the plaintiffs' names and likenesses.


The E.U. Data Protection Law Image

The E.U. Data Protection Law

John D. Shyer & Matthias Rubner

What it takes to do business in a E.U. Member State, and why you need to know.


Commission Weighs New Family Law-Related Acts Image

Commission Weighs New Family Law-Related Acts

Mary Kay Kisthardt & Barbara Handschu

The Uniform Law Commission, also known as the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL), is currently working on a number of family law-related acts of interest to family law practitioners. One of the most significant is the Uniform Premarital and Marital Agreements Act (UPMAA).


Electronic Discovery in Construction Disputes Image

Electronic Discovery in Construction Disputes

Gregory R. 'Greg' Meeder & Livya Heithaus

This article discusses the current electronically stored information (ESI) law, the impending ESI crisis in arbitration, and how resolving office, industrial and retail claims through alternative dispute resolution helps to corral the burdens of ESI discovery for developers, owners, property managers and contractors by managing ESI with specific agreements, guidelines and rules.

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